At the TTC Knitalong – an annual charity event in which groups of crafters spend a Saturday travelling (and knitting/crocheting) on public transit to visit multiple yarn shops across the city.
Proceeds of the event go to a local women-centered agency, participants get to hang out with fellow crafters and meet new people, yarn shops get lots of visitors and love — everybody wins! Whoever invented this is a genius. It is in its 10th year and this year’s got the biggest turn out yet! The only disappointment is that I didn’t know about this in previous years… will definitely join again next year.
And now, some pictures from my day :D
My group started at Wool-Gathering in the west end. It has on display this beautiful rug, which makes me want to learn rug hooking one day.

I also love these small rugs with vibrant, abstract designs.

Our next stop was Passionknit. Look at these delicious colours! More excited than a kid in a candy shop :D

I spotted this photo of me on instagram, knitting along on the subway, and chatting with our awesome team captain :D (if you’re wondering, I’m making a keyhole scarf in fisherman rib)

In the meanwhile, our other team captain completed a snowflake on the subway while standing the entire time!

Then we hopped on the approaching train above and made our way to a sun-filled Lettuce Knit in Kensington Market. These friendly ones are enjoying the sunny spots and relaxing by the knitting pile…

Also hanging out in the sun…

This was when I remembered what my mom used to always say to me when I was a kid and we were at the store and I wanted to bring home all the plush animals. “You can give it a hug and put it back.“Â Such dreamy colours…

We spent some time on the patio outside. Spotted these cheerful yarn-wrapped branches. My phone camera does not do the colours and sunshine justice.

And this beautiful yarn-bombed bike!

More knitting on the streetcar…

… and arriving at our final shop, The Knit Cafe :D I’ve always been a big fan of the shop and its fabulous window displays.

People chatting about patterns, marveling at the wool, the warm afternoon sun pouring in, the ball-winder busy spinning… the happiest place :)

And look who I ran into :D

Found the secret knitting garden.

Here we are at our final stop, the Firkin for drinks, food, and more knitting.

I didn’t buy a whole lot that day, wasn’t at all prepared with shopping list or even project list, and feeling slightly overwhelmed most of the time (not a bad thing though), mainly because I didn’t know what to expect. But I did get a skein of hand-dyed wool from Wool-Gathering (far left), because the colours remind me of sunsets, and a giant skein of Cascade Ecological wool (centre), because I love the colour and it was the last skein on the shelf (I already have an idea of a sweater for it, but have to finish my holiday crafting first). ALSO! I won a draw at Lettuce Knit, which generously donated 4 skeins of wool the colour of strawberry ice cream :D I was rather surprised, because I don’t ever win anything.

This means I definitely have to join the knitalong again next year :D
I actually don’t knit or crochet on public transit very often, because sometimes I get motion sickness from it, especially on the bus. But after the knitalong I think I will start bringing my knitting to work, so I can at least knit after work on the subway (there is no hope of getting a seat in the morning, and I haven’t developed the skill to knit/crochet while standing yet :P). It’s actually quite calming, and I think it will do me more good in terms of de-stressing than playing Angry Birds.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week! :D