east coast yarn adventures!

Mike and I were trav­el­ling in Nova Sco­tia over the past week :D We had a mag­i­cal time dri­ving through the moun­tains, mar­veling at the sea and chat­ting with very friend­ly locals. I will share more pic­tures about our trip in oth­er posts. But first, yarn! We first stopped in Hal­i­fax (where I was actu­al­ly attend­ing a con­fer­ence before we rode off to the sun­set and the sea and fun times), and not far from where we were stay­ing is The Loop!


There’s been some con­struc­tion going on in front of the shop, so guess what? The scaf­fold­ing gets some new sweaters! :D

I bought a skein of local­ly made wool there, by East Anchor Yarns, in love­ly shades of blue/green and pale yel­low. (The friend­ly shop­keep­er let me know that the oth­er skeins with shades of pink were dyed with news­pa­per! Who knew black ink will turn yarn pink? She also helped me with wind­ing the skein into a ball so I can start using it right away :D)


And so dur­ing lunch time at the con­fer­ence and on the way to Cape Bre­ton Island I was finger-knitting :)


Can’t show you what I was mak­ing yet, because it’s a gift. I thought it would make a pret­ty spe­cial sou­venir to buy some local yarn and make some­thing dur­ing the trip! I might even write a pat­tern for this project, it’s super fun for trav­el­ling :D

I could have brought the project I was work­ing on at home, but because I most­ly knit with straight, long (and met­al!) nee­dles, I was doubt­ful about bring­ing them on the plane. So I fig­ure I’d finger-knit!

We were stay­ing in Bad­deck while vis­it­ing Cape Bre­ton. I did­n’t know that the vil­lage has a yarn store until we spot­ted the bright pink sign on the way there. Baadeck Yarns! This is the best sur­prise ever! :D


It has soooo much yarn… (sor­ry about the blur­ry pic­ture, my hands were obvi­ous­ly shak­ing with excitement)


The shop­keep­er is so very friend­ly! She showed me the beau­ti­ful cro­cheted cardi­gan she just fin­ished, we exchanged expe­ri­ences with var­i­ous knit­ting stitch­es, then she chat­ted with Mike while I went around the store to touch every­thing. This is me being ridicu­lous­ly hap­py being in this store.


I seri­ous­ly had a super hard time walk­ing out the door, with the kind shop­keep­er and all the yarns… but even­tu­al­ly I did. And hope to return one day. On the plane home I was knit­ting with a ball of yarn that I bought there.


This is all the yarn I gath­ered from the trip :D (the Sir­dar Kiko has already been knit­ted up)


I bought the skein with green/purple/brown shades at the Sea­port Farm­ers’ Mar­ket from Lis­more Sheep Farm, when we drove back from Cape Bre­ton to Hal­i­fax to catch our flight. After going to Baadeck Yarns I was­n’t going to buy more yarn, because we tried to trav­el light and only brought one suit­case and a cou­ple of car­ry-on bags. But it was real­ly afford­able and it has beau­ti­ful shades of colours I like, so I could­n’t resist! I was­n’t going to get so much of the brown/tan yarn nei­ther, but the shop­keep­er at Baadeck gave me a real­ly good deal because she was clean­ing out the shelf… Any­way, good thing yarn can squeeze into small spaces, every­thing fit in our suit­case in the end :D

Stay tuned for more pho­tos and sto­ries from our trip! :D Hope every­one has a good start to the week!




2 thoughts on “east coast yarn adventures!

  1. I total­ly enjoyed your excite­ment over new yarn shops, I feel the same way. My wife so does­n’t get it but she will walk through the shops with me and feign excit­ment. Thank for sharing.

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