make a toasty blanket!

Photo 2015-11-22, 9 32 06 AM

I made this fun blan­ket for a dear friend who’s hav­ing a baby. I thought it could serve as a warm blan­ket for the stroller and car­rides, and maybe also as a floor blan­ket to roll around on. It also works as a cozy lap blan­ket for mom! :D

With the bulky yarn and giant hook, it’s a pret­ty quick project. The fin­ished size is about 26“x30”.

What I used:
Bernat Blan­ket, 1 ball of “sand” and 1 ball of “taupe” (I had quite a lot of taupe left, prob­a­bly enough to make 2 pairs of the slip­pers in this post)
Light yel­low yarn for but­ter pat (I hap­pen to have a che­nille tex­ture yarn that I got from the dol­lar store once, but any yel­low yarn would do)
15 mm hook (for toast)
Appro­pri­ate size hook for but­ter pat (depend­ing on the yarn you’re using)
6 mm hook (for facial details)
Tapes­try needle

What I did:

With “sand” colour yarn, ch 31.

Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in every ch across, turn (30 sc).

Row 2: ch 1 (does not count as sc), sc in each sc across, turn.

Repeat row 2 until piece is about 22″ from beginning.

Bread top shaping:

Row 1: ch 1, 2 sc tog, sc in each sc across until 2 sc left in row, 2 sc tog, turn.

Row 2: repeat row 1 of bread top shaping.

Row 3: ch 1, 2 sc tog, sc in next 9 sc, 2 sc tog, turn.

Row 4: ch 1, 2 sc tog twice, sc in each sc until 4 sc left in row, 2 sc tog twice, turn.

Row 5: ch 1, skip first sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc tog, turn.

Row 6: ch 1, skip first sc, 3 sc tog, fas­ten off, weave in ends.

Attach yarn to mid­dle of bread top shap­ing at row 3, repeat rows 3–6 for the oth­er side of bread top.


Attached “taupe” colour yarn to any stitch at the bot­tom edge of toast, ch 1 (does not count as sc), sc around toast even­ly (1 sc in each sc at bot­tom edge and bread top, 1 sc in each row-end on the sides, mak­ing 2 sc in each cor­ner, and mak­ing 3 sc tog in the mid­dle of bread top where it dips in), sl st in first sc to fin­ish round.

Cro­chet 2 more times around toast, fas­ten off, weave in ends.

Eyes (make 2, or more, to make a mul­ti-eyed mon­ster toast):

With “taupe”, 10 hdc in mag­ic ring, sl st in first hdc to com­plete round, fas­ten off, leave a long tail for sewing.


With “taupe” and 6 mm hook, ch 9, fas­ten off, leave a long tail for sewing.

But­ter pat:

Cro­chet a rec­tan­gle about 3“x4”. Num­ber of stitch­es and rows will depend on the yarn you use. When fas­ten­ing off, leave a long tail for sewing.


Sew eyes, smile and but­ter pat onto toast with tapes­try nee­dle. When sewing on but­ter pat, I tucked in bits of the bot­tom edge so it looks like it’s melting.

And here’s Mr. Toast relax­ing before going to his new home :)

Photo 2015-11-22, 9 30 58 AM

Stay toasty, every­one! :D

65 thoughts on “make a toasty blanket!

  1. That is the most dar­ling thing I’ve seen in a very long time. I wish I had imag­ined this pat­tern or seen it 6 years ago. I have a lit­tle niece (now 8) but when she was about 2 she LOVED LOVED LOVED toast and this would have made her very hap­py. Per­haps its not too late.

    Thanks for shar­ing your cute pat­tern with us!

  2. you’re wel­come Ale­ta! per­haps your niece still has a lit­tle fond­ness for toast, espe­cial­ly one that is giant and smil­ing and hand­made by her aunt :)

  3. Is it pos­si­ble to enlarge the pat­tern with reg­u­lar yarn for a throw size? I love toast and would love to make one for myself. Maybe twice the size. I’m new at cro­chet so any help at all would be appre­ci­at­ed. I could actu­al­ly do this as ther­a­py as I am a dis­abled veteran.

  4. Hi Susan, thank you for your inter­est in my pat­tern! You can prob­a­bly enlarge most of the toast pret­ty eas­i­ly, just cro­chet a foun­da­tion chain as wide as you like, then dc in each stitch until desired length. It would be dif­fi­cult to adjust the pat­tern to shape the bread top though, I’m not able to cre­ate a pat­tern for that with­out actu­al­ly try­ing to cro­chet it, and I prob­a­bly won’t be able to do that any time soon… may I sug­gest mak­ing a square piece of toast? That way, you can just cro­chet a square as large as you like, then cro­chet a bor­der with brown yarn, and add the smile and but­ter pat. Hope this helps!

  5. I made one for my new grand­daugh­ter and I’m going to make anoth­er one, only larg­er, for on the couch! I just round the top off like the pat­tern says, I just do more rows. I am in love with this pattern!

  6. Hi Lyssa, I’m not able to make a knit­ting pat­tern for the toast blan­ket at this point, because I’m not that great at knit­ting. There is this love­ly blan­ket by Purl Soho, it uses super bulky yarn and has an edge, so you can use toast colours to make it look like a piece of toast. You can even mod­i­fy the pat­tern to round off the top to make it bread-shaped if you’re famil­iar with shap­ing with knit­ting. Hope this helps!

  7. Hi Maria Tere­sa, thanks so much for vis­it­ing my blog and I’m glad you like the toast blan­ket. Unfor­tu­nate­ly I don’t have the skills or means to trans­late the pat­tern into Span­ish at this time. So sor­ry about that!

  8. Per­fect pat­tern for my broth­er for Christ­mas gift. It will bring back so many child­hood mem­o­ries. xD

  9. Looove this adorable pat­tern and can’t wait to make it! Question…you said you used a 15mm cro­chet hook. When I look on the Inter­net for the cor­re­lat­ing “Let­ter” hook it says I can use a “P” or a “Q”. I have both so which one did you use for the blan­ket toast part? TIA

  10. Hi Deb­bie, thanks for giv­ing my pat­tern a try! I did a quick check and accord­ing to Lion Brand Yarn, 15mm hook is size Q. Hap­py crocheting!

  11. Thanks for get­ting back to me. Too fun­ny because I start­ed with a P hook and did a cou­ple rows. Decid­ed to switch to a Q and start­ed over. Can’t wait to fin­ish. Thanks for shar­ing your pattern 

  12. Hi Trish! So I’m done my blan­ket but I’m hav­ing a hard time sewing on the eyes and mouth. How did you do it? I tried using the long tail but when I do the mouth you can see the dark brown weaved through the tan yarn. Any sug­ges­tions? TIA 

  13. Hi Deb­bie, what is the stitch you’re using to sew on the mouth? I just use a straight stitch ( and the nee­dle only ever goes in and out through the brown part, so it does­n’t show on the tan part at all. but do you mean the brown is show­ing on the back of the blan­ket? If so, I think that’s inevitable. glad to hear it’s almost done! :D

  14. Okay got it. I was using my loooong tail to go beyond the dark brown into the tan. Thanks, I will try that method.

  15. I made this in a larg­er size. I dou­bled the chain to 60 stitch­es. It took about 2.5 balls of the sand col­ored yarn and maybe .5 of the taupe. It turned out real­ly cute!

  16. Thanks for vis­it­ing Jack­ie! I don’t usu­al­ly make videos, hope the writ­ten pat­tern is suf­fi­cient! If you have any ques­tions or need clar­i­fi­ca­tions about the pat­tern, please feel free to leave a com­ment and I’ll try my best to help!

  17. Awe. Okie. I’m going to be it a try :)
    Thank you so much! Look­ing for­ward mak­ing this cute blanket

  18. Adorable blan­ket ❤️. Is the pat­tern writ­ten using USA or UK stitch instruc­tions? Thank you 

  19. This blan­ket is so cute! I’ve had this on my Pin­ter­est for ages and was hop­ing I could find the pat­tern, so I just searched and found your page. I can’t wait to make it for my sis­ter-in-law, who loves bread and all things carbs!

  20. I love this! I’m mak­ing it now, but you should come up with a pat­tern for a strip of bacon and an egg too lol 

  21. What size hook did you use for the toast? When you say giant hook do you mean like a 10mm, or one of those actu­al huge bam­boo hooks they sell at Michaels?

  22. Thanks for vis­it­ing, Airi! The hook sizes used in this blan­ket is list­ed under “what I used” in the post — 15 mm hook for the blan­ket, and 6 mm hook for cro­chet­ing the eyes and smile.

  23. I am a cro­chet begin­ner. Saw your pat­tern and HAD To try it!!! Not too shab­by for a first timer! ❤☺️Thanks for sharing 

  24. Hi! I am pret­ty expe­ri­ences with cro­cheted and pat­terns, etc. For some rea­son I absolute­ly can­not get the top of my toast to look right. It either bunch­es up or my crust tops are more like peaks. Lol. Any advice? I’m using the cor­rect hook size, etc and am dying to make this.

  25. hmmm… I’m real­ly not sure why it bunch­es up! So sor­ry to hear that this is hap­pen­ing! Maybe it has to do with ten­sion? I’m real­ly not sure what can help with­out being able to see/feel the piece. So sor­ry! Hope it works out eventually!

  26. The (2 sc tog) is that just a nor­mal decrease? One decrease or two decreas­es o guess is what I’m asking

  27. thanks for vis­it­ing Vanes­sa! yes, 2 sc tog is a nor­mal decrease, you would decrease one stitch. hap­py crocheting!

  28. hel­lo! thank you for vis­it­ing! the blan­ket may be made in larg­er size by adding more stitch­es in the foun­da­tion chain and more rows as you cro­chet along, but there would be quite a bit of mod­i­fi­ca­tions at the top, and I haven’t had the chance to fig­ure that out yet. I think some folks on Rav­el­ry might have done it and shared tips, so per­haps check­ing out the Rav­el­ry project pages for the toasty blan­ket would help! hap­py crocheting!

  29. I made an adult ver­sion for a friend of mine! I can’t remem­bee the exact mea­sure­ments but i believe i used 3 balls of yarn for the main toast then less than 1 for the crust. I want to say i dou­bled the chain to begin and then for the top i did every­thing the same just dou­bled if that makes sense. It may have been dou­ble plus half. It was pret­ty big!

  30. Thanks so much for shar­ing this cute pat­tern! I just made one using reg­u­lar yarn, Red Heart beige and cafe lat­te. Used K hook so maybe a bit too stretchy. Will try small­er hook next time. 36 by 40 inch­es. Didn’t do a but­ter pat but still pret­ty cute. Made it to donate to a hos­pi­tal that gives lap blan­kets to patients in hos­pice care.

  31. hi Shelly! that’s so awe­some! thanks so much for giv­ing the pat­tern a try and donat­ing it too — thank you for spread­ing joy! best wish­es for the new year!

  32. I just made my 3rd one! This one is a grape jel­ly one and it’s for my.… *ahem* GREAT grand­daugh­ter due in Octo­ber!!! Thank you for this AWESOME pattern!!!

  33. Wow! I’m so hap­py you like the pat­tern! grape jel­ly is an excel­lent idea! :D Con­grats on the new addi­tion to your family!

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