sunshine cardigan

Photo 2016-01-31, 2 54 10 PM

First fin­ished project of the year! :D

Made this from the Burn­side Cardi­gan pat­tern by KT & the Squid. I have nev­er used yel­low in an entire sweater before. I love how it turns out so retro-look­ing. And I love the fun­nel neck! There was a huge sale for the Impec­ca­ble yarn at Michaels and it has a nice shade of yel­low, so that was what I used.

I’d love to say that my super grainy over-exposed pho­tos are inten­tion­al, to go with the retro sweater, but that’s real­ly because the light­ing is hor­ri­ble on this very grey day and this is the best my phone could do. Oh well. It goes with the retro sweater! Almost looks like film does­n’t it? :D

Photo 2016-01-31, 2 53 37 PM

I mod­i­fied the pat­tern a bit by adding the blue and grey stripes, the pock­ets, dif­fer­ent front pan­els (rows of sc stitch­es run­ning up and down instead of rib cro­cheted side­ways) and but­ton holes. I think I also made the sweater one size too small (XS — I should’ve made S). Usu­al­ly sweaters I make from pat­terns turn out too big for me, so I went for the small­est size, but this pat­tern is very accu­rate with its siz­ing. So I had to widen the front but­ton pan­els quite a bit.

I bought these retro-look­ing but­tons from a nice Etsy sell­er.

Photo 2016-01-31, 2 55 13 PM

I post­ed a self­ie of this sweater on Insta­gram. Mike thought if it’s not for my phone the pic­ture could have looked like it’s from the 70’s, with our type­writer and stuff. So he replaced my phone with a record :D


I love the straight­for­ward style of KT & the Squid. Recent­ly bought anoth­er pat­tern to make a sweater for Mike (and anoth­er for myself lat­er), will let you know when his is done :D

Here’s hop­ing for lots of sun­shine for every­one this week!


7 thoughts on “sunshine cardigan

  1. Sweet! The stripes add some won­der­ful inter­est to the sweater. I love how you take a pat­tern and make it your own.

  2. trés joli, trés gai, il vous va à la per­fec­tion, cette couleur est trés syante. Bravo.

  3. trés joli, trés gai, il vous va à la per­fec­tion, cette couleur est trés seyante. Bravo.

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