
It’s been a very busy fall so far, haven’t had a lot of time to update here. But here are some fun local adven­tures from the start of the fall :)

We vis­it­ed a new cat cafe in the city one week­end, apt­ly named Meow Cat Cafe. All the cats live with the own­er of the cafe. photo-2016-09-24-12-29-09-pm

When we got there a very fluffy cat made sure that we were read­ing the rules.


They’ve got very cute cup sleeves :D


It was a warm, sun­ny afternoon. The cats were quite relaxed. Look at that paw~


*heart eyes x1000*


The shop own­ers are very friend­ly, looks like they have a few locals vis­it­ing reg­u­lar­ly with the cats, which makes for a very homey envi­ron­ment. Though I start­ed sneez­ing quite a lot while I was there and had to leave (reluc­tant­ly).

One might ask why I like vis­it­ing cat cafes if I were aller­gic. The answers being: 1) I’m aller­gic to some cats but not oth­ers. I’ve vis­it­ed oth­er cat cafes but haven’t had aller­gic reac­tions that was severe enough that made me need to leave, so hav­ing aller­gies does­n’t stop me from being with cats; 2) I love cats, but I don’t have the time or space or expe­ri­ence to make me feel com­fort­able about com­mit­ting to car­ing for a cat.

But some­times I do won­der about vis­it­ing cat cafes. I won­der whether I was intrud­ing on the cats’ space, dis­turb­ing them when they just want to relax or sleep. And I don’t know how to play with cats, because I’ve nev­er had pets (aside from my office beta fish, who died an unex­plained death and made me vow to nev­er have beta fish pets again, but I digress), but some­times feel weird about sit­ting and just look­ing at the cats when oth­er peo­ple are enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly try­ing to get the cats to play.

My favourite cat cafe was one we vis­it­ed in Mon­tre­al. The cats were just wan­der­ing about as peo­ple chat­ted. Peo­ple would pet them if they hap­pened to walk by under the table, or if they were sit­ting still some­where. It was like sit­ting at a cafe that hap­pened to have a few cats in it, rather than vis­i­tors chas­ing the cats to coax the cats to play. Much more relaxed.

Any­way, maybe one day we’ll meet a cat that wants to live with us.

We decid­ed not to go to Nuit Blanche (annu­al overnight art event in Toron­to) this year because the past cou­ple of years have been dis­ap­point­ing. There were just so many peo­ple and many of the instal­la­tions took hours of line­up to see. But we vis­it­ed a cou­ple of exhibits at Toron­to City Hall, which stayed up for a week or so after the event. This one was called Death of the Sun by Direc­tor X.


The sculp­ture changed as it goes into dif­fer­ent phas­es. Here it looks like a giant lantern (or pearl onion, I kept thinking).


And even­tu­al­ly it turned dark.


Which reminds me that noth­ing is for­ev­er. Not our impres­sive build­ings, not our earth­ly achieve­ments, not even our sun.

Across the square there was a video pro­ject­ed onto the water foun­tain, called Pneu­ma by Flo­ria Sigis­mon­di. My favourite part was when the owl emerged.


Because it reminds me of the mag­i­cal Hed­wig.

Hop­ing to have more time to spend here now that my busiest week is over. Wish­ing you an awe­some start to the week!


2 thoughts on “lately

  1. Bon­soir Trish.Un gros problème d’or­di­na­teur m’a empêchée de vous laiss­er un petit mes­sage. Je rat­trape vite ce retard!Tout d’abord, je trou­ve vos boucles d’or­eilles très jolies.Ensuite, j’ai beau­coup aimé votre bil­let sur le cafè chats. Il en existe aus­si à Paris et c’est une très bonne idée.J’ai eu mon pre­mier chat à l’âge de ans et depuis, j’ai tou­jours eu des chats à la mai­son, des chiens aus­si d’ailleurs, c’est l’a­van­tage de vivre à la campagne!En ce moment nous avons deux vieilles minettes de ans. Elles sont adorables même si par­fois elles sont un peu chipies.
    Vos dernières pho­tos pris­es à Toron­to sont très belles et moi aus­si j’ai un petit faible pour Hed­wige la jolie chou­ette blanche d’Har­ry Potter.

  2. Thank you Clau­dine! Cat cafes are indeed good ideas, and it’s won­der­ing to live around ani­mals. I wish I can have cats!

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