hanami in the city

It’s the most mag­i­cal time of the year. The trees are bloom­ing, the sun is shin­ing, every­one’s out enjoy­ing extend­ed day­light. Spring is here! :D

Every year we try going to High Park to enjoy the cher­ry blos­soms. There were hard­ly any blooms last year because of unusu­al win­ter weath­er, but it seems to be mak­ing up for it this year with full blooms on sun­ny days. Aren’t they just magnificent?

I’ve been see­ing these cords tied to tree branch­es every­where. I think once upon a time I looked up the mean­ing of it, but can’t be sure now. I would guess that they rep­re­sent wish­es or prayers, or they just look nice on the trees? If any­one know what they are for can you make a com­ment and let me know?

Our tra­di­tion is to have a pic­nic under a cher­ry tree. This year’s pic­nic is a bit makeshift because we were com­ing from work (an attempt to avoid crowds on a week­day evening — not so suc­cess­ful. Oh well.), with dis­count­ed end-of-day sushi and Vita­soy and a taro roll, but it was still the best date night ever :)

We even met the res­i­dent swan!

Hap­py May! Hap­py spring! :D