this week’s awesome finds

Time to start the Christ­mas elf­ing (i.e. gift-mak­ing)! :D

With the bulky yarn and large nee­dles there’s a good chance that it can be done by Christ­mas. Moss stitch is my favourite, and it has pock­ets. Pat­tern by Two of Wands.


Very prac­ti­cal and very cute. From Think Make Share.


Very sweet cro­chet cable bracelets, great alter­na­tive to leather ones. From Let’s Yarni­fy! (scroll down for English!)


For those who have every­thing — who would­n’t need more spare pairs of socks? From Hand­made Char­lotte. (If you’re look­ing for dessert after those sushi, check out my cup­cake socks tuto­r­i­al! :D)


Also a quick knit and very styl­ish. From Mol­lie Makes.


And final­ly, not a gift that I would have the skills to make but heart­warm­ing nonethe­less — daikon ani­mals in soup! :D

I love this daikon lla­ma. Hope it brings a smile to your face :)

Have a love­ly week­end, everyone!