The Yeti

I’ve decid­ed to call this jack­et I’m work­ing on “The Yeti”.

I’m fol­low­ing the Copen­hagen Jack­et pat­tern from Nat­u­ral­ly Caron. I real­ized that the 100% acrylic white yarn that I’m using (because I have lots and lots of it) is not going to drape like the pic­ture in the pat­tern. In fact it’s going to look rather bulky when I’m done because this par­tic­u­lar acrylic yarn I have is kind of stiff, because it’s kind of vin­tage. I think they make acrylic yarn a bit soft­er now. So. I thought might look like a yeti while wear­ing it, all white and bulky. Which would be nice in the win­ter. I’m quite pleased with the prospect of look­ing like a yeti in the win­ter, with all that snow (if there’s going to be snow…).

So, any­way, the jack­et is made up of 2 long pan­els and 1 short pan­el, plus the col­lar. So far I’ve done the first pan­el and it occurs to me that it would make a rather nice cowl.

Like an Irish fish­er­man sweater, but a cowl.

It would have to be worn with a sweater pin. I don’t have a sweater pin. But I have a small piece of drift wood I picked up some time ago at a beach. So I used that for the pho­to. Drift wood… fish­er­man… perfect :)

I took a clos­er pic­ture of the drift wood, because I think it’s quite beau­ti­ful in itself.

For a moment I debat­ed whether I should stop and just let it be a cowl. But I thought about the yeti… and decid­ed that I will fin­ish the entire jack­et. It’s going to be a bit of a long project, but it does­n’t feel like it’s tak­ing as long as it is actu­al­ly tak­ing because of the fun cro­chet cable pattern.

And as always (well, not always, but often enough), my gauge is com­plete­ly off. I think the yarn I’m using is a bit thin­ner than the one called for, even though it says “worsted” on the label and the pat­tern also calls for worsted weight yarn. So I switched to a larg­er hook and also fol­lowed the instruc­tion for a medium/large size (i.e. adding extra dc rows to the long sides) to match the dimen­sions in the pat­tern dia­gram. But the con­struc­tion of it is rather straight­for­ward so I’m sure it will all work out.

And I will look like a yeti. *grin*

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