Weekend montage

This week­end I final­ly got around to look through the 3 box­es of yarn some­one gen­er­ous­ly gave me — they were clean­ing out their base­ment. And I found a stack of pat­tern book­lets nes­tled in one of the box­es. They’re most­ly knit­ting books from the 80’s so I think I’m going to (sad­ly) recy­cle them because I don’t knit, but I decid­ed to keep this one:

It took me a while to fig­ure out what “Hi-Straw” is. Actu­al­ly I’m still not quite sure but I think it’s some­thing like the syn­thet­ic raf­fia that they sell at the dol­lar store. It was pub­lished in 1970. Very groovy. It has pat­terns for bags and stuff…

I actu­al­ly quite like the hexa­gon one, and was won­der­ing if it’s pos­si­ble to make it out of yarn rather than the “Hi-Straw”, but then I real­ized that it had to be made with this cir­cu­lar flower loom. It looks like they still sell the looms at craft stores. But it looks like it can also be hand­made, no?

And then, there are the cro­cheted patterns…

Whoa! Cloth­ing made with straw! And check out the rain­bow-coloured long vest too! Pret­ty awe­some-look­ing, but I don’t think it would be com­fort­able to wear… at all… But I quite like the straw hat. I think I might even make the straw hat because it’s cro­cheted. Not with the “Hi-Straw”, though. Cot­ton yarn might work bet­ter, I think.

And then I also kept this embroi­dery book because it has a pat­tern for an owl “tele­vi­sion and radio times” book on the cov­er and I quite like the design of the book itself.

And then, while lis­ten­ing to Vam­pire Week­end, we had banana pan­cakes that Mike made — with straw­ber­ry yogurt and syrup! :D

I also con­tin­ued to work on the Yeti. I’ve fin­ished all the parts for the body and now I’m work­ing on the sleeves, and then I will work on the col­lar. Moxy and Abi­ma tried to help with the mea­sur­ing but I think they got quite confused…

Might also look good as a vest I think.

And here we are, Sun­day after­noon. The weath­er has got­ten quite warm and the sky is bright. It would be hard to get a feel of it in this pic­ture but I was amazed by how close to the earth the clouds are hang­ing today. Maybe rain is coming.

Hope your week­end was lovely!