weekend in flying colours

It was Thanks­giv­ing week­end and we left the city to vis­it fam­i­lies. We also vis­it­ed the chip trucks by the water and a coun­try fair in a near­by town, and I took some pho­tos with the Zumi. I’m rather pleased with how old-fash­ioned the pic­tures look, espe­cial­ly the ones at the coun­try fair. I also took a lot of tree pic­tures as we drove home, and of course a sun­set pic­ture from our west-fac­ing bal­cony :) The colours are just amazing.

I felt kind of bad that I’ve been neglect­ing my pink point-and-shoot since Zumi arrived, so I’ve been reas­sur­ing it that I still like it very much because it takes great indoor pic­tures and pic­tures of peo­ple, and it lets me see what I’m tak­ing a pic­ture of, which real­ly helps with com­po­si­tion. Here are some proud prod­ucts of the pink cam­era over the weekend.

And now, a haiku:

The week­end flew by
and now we are home again
full of thanksgivings.

Hap­py Tues­day! :D




2 thoughts on “weekend in flying colours

  1. hmmm…now does the pink point-and-shoot have a name? it might feel bet­ter if it has a name…

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