yarncrafting resolution

Here’s a list of projects that I’d like to work on in 2012 :D


Been want­i­ng to try weav­ing for a long time. I want to try my hands on it so maybe I can do this with groups :D (instruc­tion from Full Cir­cle)


This trilo­bite is call­ing my name… (free pat­tern on Rav­el­ry)


I have a lot of blue yarn that would be quite nice for this pat­tern. Also a great way to learn to make cables. ALSO knit­ted flat and seamed togeth­er :D (I have quite a bit of trou­ble using cir­cu­lar nee­dles) Pic­tur­ing it with some round but­tons with flow­ers print­ed on them. (free pat­tern from Stitch Nation)


This would be the next step up after the cable cardi­gan. It’s a pat­tern from a book and I bor­rowed it from the library. I can’t quite under­stand the pat­tern right now but I can prob­a­bly ask my knit­ting friends to help, which means knitting/crocheting tea par­ties are in order! :D


In the mean­while, I’ll prac­tice my knit­ting with hats :D I made this hat I found on Rav­el­ry for Mike for Christ­mas, and I’m plan­ning on mak­ing a longer one for myself, so it’s a bit slouchy, because I lost my per­fect slouch hat on the bus ear­li­er in the fall :’(


A pret­ty man­age­able list, I think. Will keep you post­ed on the progress!

Hap­py new year, friends! Wish­ing you a won­der­ful year of good health, new inspi­ra­tions and life-enrich­ing creativity!


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