yay giveaway! :D

I thought I’d share a few of the paint­ings I cre­at­ed in my square-a-day project (see back­ground sto­ry here), to cel­e­brate the fact that I actu­al­ly com­plet­ed it, and to thank every­one one for trav­el­ing with me and encour­ag­ing me on this jour­ney of redis­cov­er­ing the joy of paint! :D

Before I explain the details of the give­away (first ever! :D) Here’s anoth­er look at all the squares I have, paint­ed between July 6 and August 4 (you can click on it to see a larg­er image).


I’m giv­ing away four sets of three paint­ings. I tried to group them by themes.


Day at the farm




Curi­ous naturalist




Each is rough­ly 4″ x 4″, acrylic paint on canvas.

I think they’d look nice framed indi­vid­u­al­ly in small­er frames, or togeth­er in a long frame like this one. Or, a cou­ple of vis­i­tors have sug­gest­ed that they can be sewn onto bags or oth­er sewing projects, like patch­es :D I think that’s awe­some idea, as long as the item on which they are sewn won’t need to be washed very much. I’ve ironed them to fix the colours, so I think it would be okay to spray them with some water and wipe them clean. 

If you’d like to give some of my paint­ings a good home, please leave a com­ment on this post. Four names will be drawn ran­dom­ly a week from now, on Sun­day, August 19 at mid­night (EST). The four peo­ple will be con­tact­ed by email the fol­low­ing morn­ing :D

Edit: I real­ized that I for­got to clar­i­fy one thing: the ran­dom­ize draw mech­a­nism will draw four names, the first name being drawn will receive Day at the Farm, the sec­ond name will receive Origa­mi, the third name will receive Curi­ous Nat­u­ral­ist, and the fourth name will receive Abstractionist. Basi­cal­ly, the order that the names are drawn will coin­cide with the order that the paint­ing sets are list­ed. Sor­ry that I for­got to make that clear earlier!  

Thank you so much for vis­it­ing, and for all of your kind words and support!

Have a great week, every­one! :D




26 thoughts on “yay giveaway! :D

  1. How gen­er­ous of you, Trish! I love the idea of your art out there in the world of your blog read­ers. Yay to the Yay Giveaway!!!

  2. Thanks for shar­ing your lit­tle paintings.
    Read­ing your dai­ly blog always bright­ens my day.

  3. Hi Trish,
    I real­ly admire your work and your staying-power…I tend to give up!
    Hope I am one of the lucky ones.
    Love you blog and pho­tos, so will keep fol­low­ing you on your jour­ney of discovery.
    Thanks Sheila.

  4. I am sure I could find some­thing cre­ative to make with these set of lovely.
    I think you have great ideas and are so tal­ent­ed. I love the first three sets!
    Great giveaway!

  5. I’m a newie to your blog, only found it yes­ter­day, but I LOVE it!Your paint­ings are awsome!:D

  6. Hi there! I have been fol­low­ing you for quite some­time but have nev­er got­ten around to com­ment­ing until now! I start­ed cro­chet­ing and found your page when you post­ed your pat­tern for you ami’s. I think that this is a great chal­lenge you gave your­self and I hope to do this next year dur­ing cro­chet month and try to cro­chet some­thing tiny every­day! Thank you for shar­ing your per­son­al sto­ries, favorites, and every­thing else crafty. :D

  7. Those are beau­ti­ful, Trish!
    You did an amz­ing job, thank you so much for the giveaway! :)

    God Bless!

  8. This is an amaz­ing give­away!! Your paint­ings will be great sources of inspi­ra­tion for who­ev­er wins them… just as your blog is so inspiring! :}

  9. These are so pret­ty — I espe­cial­ly like the Curi­ous Nat­u­ral­ist set (: Out of curios­i­ty, what are you plan­ning on doing with the rest of the paint­ings? I know you had them strung up on a clothes­line in a pic­ture somewhere.

  10. Wow, what a sweet lit­tle idea. How generous!

    And I love the progress you’ve been mak­ing with your paint­ings. I’ve been watch­ing them for some time. I love your lit­tle set Origa­mi– but all of them are too cute!

  11. I love all of these paint­ings. I wish all of my favorites were up for grabs, but Curi­ous Nat­u­ral­ist and Origa­mi have most of them! I loved fol­low­ing along with this lit­tle adven­ture. Thanks for being so gen­er­ous, here’s hop­ing you’ll ship to the US!

  12. I’ve loved watch­ing your square-a-days devel­op, and hav­ing a set would be amaz­ing. It’s been a while since I got any art in the mail—I used to swap Artist Trad­ing Cards all the time, and I miss it. (Actu­al­ly, your project has inspired me to try and get back into some non-yarn art of my own, so thank you!)

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