this week’s awesome finds

Just a few quick gifts — for oth­ers and self :D


 Pho­to snow­globe orna­ments! From Pho­to­jo­jo.


 Snow globe soap dis­pensers! One could total­ly use small plas­tic dinosaurs instead of Christ­mas vil­lage peo­ple! From Mad in Crafts. 


 Cot­ton can­dy plush! From Twinkie Chan.


 Dinosaur planter, made from plas­tic dinosaur from the dol­lar store. From Car­rieelis­sa.


 Such love­ly top, with but­tons on the back. From C & C.


 Sim­ple head­wrap, via Smile and Wave (scroll down for down­load­able pattern).


Hope you’re hav­ing a love­ly week­end! :D



4 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds

  1. Hi Trish,
    I just want­ed to wish you and Mike a very Hap­py Christ­mas and a Healthy 2013. Here in Ire­land we use ‘Hap­py’ much more than ‘Mer­ry’.
    I will email you some pho­tos of Pen­ny’s lit­tle doll(designed by Kath­leen Stu­art), and her cro­cheted blan­ket. I am so excit­ed to give it to her.
    Pen­ny is now 5 months old and a very socia­ble baby girl.
    Have a love­ly Christ­mas break.
    Love Sheila.

  2. Such a love­ly round up. I’m hop­ing for a sewing machine for Christ­mas, so I can start doing all the projects I’ve been dying to try from C&C. And how awe­some are the snow globe soap dis­pensers?!! Have a love­ly Christ­mas, Trish. :)

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