this week’s levitation


When it’s real­ly sun­ny out even my point and shoot cam­era works well with the lev­i­ta­tion shoots.


levitate20aMike and I spent an after­noon in the Dis­tillery. It was a bit cold and rainy so the streets were quite emp­ty, per­fect for pho­to shoots.








When peo­ple saw this they com­ment­ed that it looked like the crea­ture was suck­ing me into its mouth. But the sto­ry­line I had in my mind at the moment involves a ten­ta­tive encounter with a crea­ture that every­one was afraid of and avoid­ing, and find­ing out that there is noth­ing to be afraid of at all, that the crea­ture real­ly just wants to be under­stood. Much like an encounter with fear itself.



And for this one I was think­ing about Val­ley of the Wind, involv­ing a char­ac­ter who befriends mutant insects. This crea­ture used to have one giant red eye. Not sure why it does­n’t anymore.




Float­ing for­ward and rest­ing by the pond. These were tak­en with a phone. Not bad huh.


Have a great week, everyone!







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