

A sandy-coloured sweater! :D KNITTED!!

I’ve always want­ed to try a pat­tern by Pick­les. They always look real­ly styl­ish and seem sim­ple to knit. Sim­ple enough for some­one who does­n’t knit very much, like me.

This sweater is made from the Late Sum­mer Sweater pat­tern. I added ran­dom stripes of teal half way through the back piece because I thought I would run out of the sandy-coloured yarn (which, by the way, I bought from Val­ue Vil­lage last year :D). I’m very much used to cro­chet­ing, where mak­ing a sleeve can con­sume an ENORMOUS amount of yarn, so I def­i­nite­ly over­es­ti­mat­ed how much yarn it would take to make the sweater. I end­ed up with an entire skein left­over. Yay :D

Here’s how the back looks, it has a dif­fer­ent strip­ping pat­tern than the front.

back of sandy

I also made the sleeves and the bot­tom half of the sweater longer than instruct­ed. More pre­cise­ly (if you’re inter­est­ed in mak­ing the sweater), the bot­tom part of the body (below the begin­ning of the bat wing sleeve) has 30 stitch­es in length, com­pared to 16 stitch­es in the pat­tern. And I did sev­er­al more increas­es for the sleeve, end­ed up with 38 stitch­es before cast­ing on extra stitch­es for the body.

Rather proud of myself for being able to add rib­bing (2x2) to the edges :D 



The col­lar and the bot­tom edge are knit­ted on cir­cu­lar nee­dles back and forth, and then the ends are sewn togeth­er. The sleeve cuffs how­ev­er, are knit­ted *in the round* on DPNs — a new thing I don’t have a lot of prac­tice with and pret­ty much avoid in pat­terns. It’s real­ly not that hard but I’m still quite hap­py about it :D I used Lacey Bind off so it’s stretchy (#3 on the list in the link).

I’m all ready for fall! :D

Have a won­der­ful week­end, everyone!



4 thoughts on “sandy

  1. Nice job! Love the col­or com­bi­na­tion and the style. You will get a lot of use out of this sweater in the fall!

  2. Aww, that’s so love­ly! I adore the teal strip­ing on the side, that’s my favorite part! Actu­al­ly, I’ve been want­i­ng to knit myself a sweater late­ly, and since I’m a very very begin­ner to knit­ting, this seems like a doable pattern :)

  3. thanks lau­ra! yes, this pat­tern is very doable for begin­ners, a great way to prac­tice the basic increase, decrease and cast-on too.

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