
It’s been a cold week around here! Could use some trop­i­cal sun­shiny-ness right about now, in the mid­dle of Jan­u­ary. So I made these :D

Photo 2015-01-18, 7 21 34 PM

Made these using the pineap­ple from the old piña cola­da pat­tern, but using embroi­dery thread and a 2.35mm hook. I kid you not, I thought I smelled pineap­ples when I was cro­chet­ing this. Need to get some canned pineap­ples next time I’m at the gro­cery store…

I then attached jump rings (which I made by bend­ing head pins, because I did­n’t have large enough jump rings on hand) to the base of the leaves, then attached the pineap­ples to ear­ring hooks.

Give this quick project a try and instant­ly add some sun­shine to your day! :D

Have a great week, everyone!


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