wip monday

About a week ago I fin­ished the body of the Enchant­ed Mesa sweater! 

And I’ve been work­ing on the sleeves since. I decid­ed to knit them flat, because while I was try­ing to find a tuto­r­i­al about pick­ing up stitch­es for sleeves and using the mag­ic loop at the same time, I read on a blog that knit­ting small cir­cum­fer­ence while drag­ging the entire sweater around and around is a pain. And the time it takes to fid­dle with the stitch­es with a mag­ic loop would prob­a­bly be the same as seam­ing the sleeves lat­er. I can total­ly imag­ine that. 

The one sleeve has dif­fer­ent colour stripes, the oth­er has garter ridges. I’m cur­rent­ly work­ing on the last cou­ple of inch­es of the sec­ond sleeves! :D

Have a hap­py week!


2 thoughts on “wip monday

  1. J’ad­mire votre tra­vail! Le résultat sera, j’en suis sûre très joli. En revanche, je n’ar­rive pas à com­pren­dre com­ment ce pull est con­stru­it!! Cela préserve une part de mystère!

  2. thank you Clau­dine! i found that the sweater looks more com­pli­cat­ed than it actu­al­ly is. it’s main­ly a series of short rows :D it was fun to make!

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