this week’s awesome finds

Also nice for lay­er­ing in the fall with a fuzzi­er yarn I think! Beach robe by Two of Wands.


Cheer­ful origa­mi cac­ti, links to dia­gram in Blue­bells Design’s post!


The cutest chairs have paws. Pat­tern from Let’s Knit (email signup required to download).


This is inge­nious! A jel­ly­fish cap for air plant by One Dog Woof.


This cat sweater! Paid pat­tern by Knit Picks.


Looks like a speedy project and super squishy. Bun­ny slip­pers by Per­sia Lou.


Bril­liant egg cozies for sum­mer brunch-time. I love the pom pom flow­ers :) By Twinkie Chan.


For us cat admir­ers who’re aller­gic, the cozi­ness of a cat scarf with­out a real cat! From A Beau­ti­ful Mess.

Hap­py week­end, everyone!