this week’s awesome finds

A won­der­ful project of knit­ting feath­ers of birds rep­re­sent­ing each ter­ri­to­ry and province of Cana­da. Paid pat­tern from Erin Black on Rav­el­ry. (and thank-you to Amy who always shares the most awe­some yarn craft­ing projects with me! :D)

A rope coiled and sewn togeth­er with sewing machine to make these cute bowls. From Lia Grif­fith.

I love that it’s not a square-form. I bet it’s very hug-able. From Hob­by Craft.

Also hug-able is this oni­giri pil­low! Real­ly want to make a cro­chet ver­sion of it for my friend who loves every­thing Japan­ese :D From Kit­ten­hood.

This stitch would make a nice sum­mer top I think. From We Are Knit­ters.

I saw the scrub­ber yarn at Michaels and have been won­der­ing about try­ing it. This makes a nice cute gift! From Fiber Flux.

This is so awe­some, and so well made! :D Gude­ta­ma pat­tern by Stuff Susie Made.

I’ve nev­er had pan­na cot­ta, but they remind me of the almond tofu dessert that I like, and look easy enough to make, so maybe I’ll try mak­ing it one day in the sum­mer! From Oh Hap­py Day.

And final­ly, this chart spot­ted on Pin­ter­est! This will be my win­ter project, in a cor­ner-to-cor­ner cro­chet throw :)


Have a great week, everyone!


2 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds

  1. Pan­na cot­ta is so good! A friend made it for a soft­ball Christ­mas gath­er­ing :D
    It also reminds me of Restau­rant City :’( *sniff*

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