fun at harbourfront!

Hey that sort of rhymes :D


It was Thanks­giv­ing day and a day full of kids’ craft activ­i­ties at the Har­bourfront! 

I think I’m real­ly going to give the weav­ing a try in the near future. It was in my new year yarn­craft­ing res­o­lu­tion but I nev­er got around to it. I think it would make a great sky project! :D

We actu­al­ly did­n’t know that there was so much fun stuff going on, we went main­ly to see the float­ing chop­stick noo­dle bowl my friend Jenn and I made in the sum­mer for Wise Daugh­ters’ com­mu­ni­ty yarn­bomb­ing project :D! It was exhib­it­ed at the Junc­tion Design Crawl and moved to Har­bourfront for the week­end :D Â 

We also learned to make pom­poms under the pom­pom tree (Learned how to use the donut-shaped tem­plate! Mag­i­cal how it works!).


We did­n’t make paper quilts, but I thought it looked so beau­ti­ful sway­ing in the wind.


Then there was the Lego mosa­ic project. In con­junc­tion to that there was an exhi­bi­tion about cross stitch and cross stitch-inspired Lego art.

Here’s the cross stitch.


Here’s the cross stitch-inspired Lego art :D


Mike’s Lego mosa­ic masterpieces.


Then my friend inspired us to try some­thing new — canoe­ing! (okay, it was only new to me, Mike’s learned to canoe before and I think my friend has too) Despite the canoe­ing site being a 3‑feet deep man-made pond, it was a pret­ty big deal for me because I’ve nev­er canoed before. 

I even man­aged to snap a pho­to with­out drop­ping my phone into the water :D


After that I felt so good about myself I thought I could start dragonboating!

(Maybe… some­times in the future.)


Have a great start to the week, everyone! 




2 thoughts on “fun at harbourfront!

  1. you know, your com­ment just moti­vat­ed me to get start­ed on a weav­ing project! :D will report back soon! thank you, kate!

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