I’ve been nominated for a Liebster Award by the wonderful Kirsty at Tea and Rainbows! :DÂ
That made my day. Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness Kirsty! I’ve been following Kirsty’s blog for a while and I’m always super impressed with her sewing projects — please hop over to check them out!
Part of the award involves answering some questions for Kirsty, which are so overdue now, and I’m posting a much abbreviated response to the nomination because of lack of time, I’m sorry >_< but here they are!
1. What’s your guilty pleasure?
I eat far too much chips, sometimes I think it’s not so good for me but that’s the first thing I go for after a busy day at school/work :S
2. What’s your favourite kind of fabric to work with?
Cotton! Very easy to work with and doesn’t slip all over the place.
3. Favourite animal?
Llamas, capybaras, rabbits, giraffes, penguins, owls (it’s hard to name just one :P) Â
4. What’s your all-time-favourite sewing pattern to make?
The square top! (and variations of it, dresses and such)
5. What one sewing tool can’t you live without?
Needles of all sorts. I use them to sew together crochet and knitting projects as well, and embroidering details.
6. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An artist or a paleontologistÂ
7. What’s the best thing that happened to you today?
I got some free time to knit, and to write this blog post :D
8. What’s your favourite seam finish?
I’ve only ever use straight stitch… oh wait, I tried French seam once, it was fun.
9. How long ago did you start sewing?
When I was 14.
10. If I gave you a cat, what would you name it?
Filbert. Or McFurson.Â
11. Where do you get your sewing inspiration from?
What I see people wear, or blogs. I like very simple shapes and structures.
And now, I’ve got a question for you! I haven’t been posting amigurumi or crochet tiny plush patterns lately, part of the reason is that I’m having a hard time coming up with ideas for new things to make. I’m wondering what you would like to see an amigurumi / crochet tiny plush pattern for? Please feel free to leave a comment!
And to make it fun, I will randomly choose a comment and make the animal/thing that’s suggested in the comment next Saturday, and the person who made the comment will receive the finished crochet plush :)Â And of course, I will post the pattern to share with everyone. Looking forward to hearing your ideas!
Have a great week, everyone!