knitting is caring

knit knit knit…

I made a pair of Totoro baby mitts for a friend who just had a baby :) Fol­low­ing the charts from this Rav­el­ry pat­tern. For the small Totoro, I used this Totoro hex­ipuff chart

Over Jan­u­ary I was busy get­ting as much knit­ting done as pos­si­ble for the Hand Knit Hope ini­tia­tive for eat­ing dis­or­der aware­ness. This project deliv­ers hand­made scarves, hats, head­bands, etc. to treat­ment cen­tres across Cana­da as gifts of encour­age­ment, and the hand­made goods are also used to raise funds for oth­er ini­tia­tives aimed to increase sup­port for peo­ple liv­ing with eating/body image issues or eat­ing dis­or­ders. (you can read more about the project, and how you can help out too, on their Face­book page. If you scroll down a bit you’ll also see a brochure I made, and you might rec­og­nize a cou­ple of pat­terns on it :D)

So I made 3 head­bands, all on the knit­ting loom, with either two strands of worsted held togeth­er or one strand of super bulky weight yarn.

They were all made on the 36-peg round loom. The far left one is just a long tube of e‑wrap stitch­es until it was about 8 inch­es long, then the top and bot­tom edges are sewn togeth­er so it’s dou­ble thick.

For the mid­dle one, I fol­lowed this video tuto­r­i­al

The one on the right is made with garter stitch, which is basi­cal­ly alter­nat­ing one round of e‑wraps and one round of purl stitch.

I also made a cowl, which was inspired by the Purl Soho Garter Gaiter cowl, using alter­nat­ing colours for the e‑wrap and purl stitch rounds. It was made on the 41-peg loom.

On the top­ic of knit­ting for a good cause, the Warm­ing Toron­to Knit­ting Day is back again at the end of Feb­ru­ary! Mike and I are plan­ning to be there :D If you’re in the neigh­bour­hood we’d love for you to pop by! You can find all the details here on Face­book.

Hap­py Feb­ru­ary everyone!


happy scrappy sweater

Start the new year right! Use up those scrap yarn to make room for new ones! :D

And get some knit­ting looms! So you can make this hap­py scrap­py loom-knit­ting sweater! :D

*Dis­claimer: I have not received com­pen­sa­tions for any knit­ting loom man­u­fac­tur­ers* (but maybe I should…)

I just… love the sim­plic­i­ty, the rus­tic fish­er­man look, the dou­ble thick, super warm fabric.

So! If you have a knit­ting loom, or if you’d like to get one and try your hands on loom knit­ting, here’s how this raglan sweater was made. 

(Haven’t tried loom knit­ting much but want to tack­le a sweater project? No fear! I’ll have video tuto­ri­als through­out to show you dif­fer­ent stitch­es. I did start with mak­ing hats and head­bands first but the sweater real­ly isn’t much harder.)

I used:

A 41-peg round loom (the largest in the set). I got mine in a set by Loops & Threads at Michaels (for medi­um to bulky yarn). It was about $20 and I had a 55% off coupon so it end­ed up being quite affordable.

Worsted weight yarn. I knit­ted with 2 strands of yarn held togeth­er through­out. I had a large ball of over 1000 yards of for­est green (I can’t remem­ber what brand and lost the label) that I used through­out, then just added dif­fer­ent colours of scrap yarn as I went. 

6 mm cro­chet hook for cast­ing on. Small­er hook for weav­ing in ends.

Yarn nee­dle (that came with the loom set).


The size I made was 33″ around. I would have liked it larg­er. Giv­en that I’m on the small scale of humans, I’m going to write the pat­tern for 37″ so it might work for more peo­ple. 37″ is the largest size the loom can make, for this pat­tern. Below are the approx­i­mate mea­sure­ments, with 2 stitch­es = 1″ and 3 rows = 1″. The actu­al mea­sure­ments for your sweater may vary depend­ing on the kind of yarn you use.



Knit with 2 strands of yarn held togeth­er through­out. I used one colour con­sis­tent­ly and just added dif­fer­ent colours of scrap yarn. To change colour, I sim­ply cut the work­ing yarn and tie on a dif­fer­ent colour. Very high-tech ;)

The pat­tern con­sists of 4 pieces: front, back, 2 sleeves. They’re sewn togeth­er in the 4 diag­o­nal seams from under arm to col­lar, then sleeves are sewn togeth­er under the arm, and the sides are sewn together. 

Wher­ev­er “knit” or “k” is indi­cat­ed in the pat­tern, it means the e‑wrap stitch.

Front/Back (make 2):

Cast on all the pegs around the loom using this chain cast on method with a cro­chet hook, but don’t join in the round. I tend to cast on quite tight­ly so that the edges are as neat as pos­si­ble (41 sts.)

Work k1 p1 rib for 6 rows. (video tuto­r­i­al for k1 p1 rib here)

Con­tin­ue knit­ting using the e‑wrap stitch (e‑wrap video here) until piece reach 13″. 

Now we begin decreas­ing towards the col­lar (yoke).

Yoke row 1: In the next row, decrease 1 by mov­ing the loop on the last peg to the one next to it, e‑wrap and knit off the 2 bot­tom loops on peg. Con­tin­ue knit­ting until 2 stitch­es remain. Move the loop on the last peg to the sec­ond last peg, e‑wrap and knit off the 2 bot­tom loops on peg. Decrease done! Sim­ple, right? (Here’s a decrease video to sum­ma­rize the action)

Yoke rows 2–3: Knit 2 rows even.

Repeat yoke rows 1–3 eight more times, then work yoke row 1 (decrease row) once more. 28 rows in yoke alto­geth­er, 21 stitch­es remain.

Work k1 p1 rib for 5 rows. 

Bind off (bind off video here).

Sleeves (make 2):

Chain cast on (same as front/back) 19 sts. 

Work k1 p1 rib for 5 rows.

Sleeve row 1–7: Knit 7 rows even.

Sleeve row 8 (increase): knit 2, make 1 (m1), knit until 2 stitch­es remain, m1, knit 2. (make 1 video here — the per­son in the video uses a dif­fer­ent knit stitch method but you can con­tin­ue using the e‑wrap for this)

Repeat sleeve rows 1–8 sev­en more times — 64 rows alto­geth­er, increased to 35 sts.

Now we decrease for shoul­der.

Shoul­der row 1: knit 1 row even.

Shoul­der row 2: decrease 1, knit till 2 stitch­es remain, decrease (see yoke row 1 above).

Repeat shoul­der rows 1–2 thir­teen more times, 28 rows alto­geth­er in shoul­der, 7 stitch­es remain.

Work k1 p1 rib for 5 rows. Bind off.


With wrong side fac­ing, and using one strand of yarn only (to reduce bulk), sew raglan seams togeth­er con­nect­ing sleeve pieces to front and back pieces. Sew sleeve togeth­er under the arm and con­tin­ue sewing togeth­er the sides. Repeat with oth­er sleeve/side.


And! I got this incred­i­ble t‑rex wood­en sculp­ture from a dear friend :D Isn’t it the most awe­some thing?

If you do give it a try do drop me a line! Cheers to a fan­tas­tic roar­ing year! 



holiday makes

‘Tis the time of year for the hol­i­day craft­ing post, after all the gifts are gift­ed :D But I always lose track of what I made… here are some highlights!

The plant above is for a dear friend who said she can’t keep plants alive. But wait for it…

It’s a hid­den Odd­ish!! Yes, she is also a big Poke­mon fan :D

Here’s Odd­ish chill­ing on the couch.

I’m real­ly hap­py with how Odd­ish turned out. There are a few good Odd­ish pat­terns out there but I end­ed up mak­ing it up as I cro­cheted because of the size of the plant pot. I also got a pair of red­dish brown safe­ty eyes as part of a free gift one time from a cro­chet mag­a­zine sub­scrip­tion :D They worked per­fect­ly on Oddish.

And then there’s this cozy pair of cro­chet mit­tens, for a friend who recent­ly relo­cat­ed to cold­er cli­mates. But wait…

It has fin­ger open­ings for tex­ting and tak­ing pic­tures! :D I made them from this love­ly pat­tern.

This one took me quite a while…

But well worth the time! Look how hap­py my dad is! :D And it fits per­fect­ly! Always tricky mak­ing gar­ments for my par­ents, nev­er know if it’s going to fit and I can’t get Mike to test try it because he’s much taller… but it worked out this time :D The cable pat­tern is actu­al­ly tak­en from this sweater pat­tern

This is my mom doing a dance with the cro­chet shawl, prob­a­bly to the music on TV (my sis­ter sent me the pho­to :D).

I thought it would be good for when she stud­ies and writes in her office at home, which she spends quite a bit of time doing. It’s mod­i­fied from this gor­geous pat­tern, because I was using a much heav­ier yarn. I skipped over quite a bit of the granny stitch sec­tions. It’s a fun pat­tern to make with var­ie­gat­ed yarn with long colour changes.

This is the warmest neck­warmer I’ve nev­er made, prob­a­bly Lap­land-ready! :D Loom knit­ted (on a 41-peg round loom) a very long tube (about 20″) with two strands of worsted weight yarn held togeth­er, then the ends of tube are sewn togeth­er to make a dou­ble-thick tube! I took a pho­to before wrap­ping it for my mother-in-law :)

And now, things oth­ers made that I can’t make…

Isn’t it mag­nif­i­cent? :D Very grate­ful heart and stomach.

And for a year of more making…

Mike got me a long loom, a stitch counter, and the per­fect yarn-craft­ing snack! :D :D :D

Here’s to a year of new ideas and more crafting!


loom knit a plum pudding!

It’s my lat­est craze! I can’t seem to get back to the nee­dles at the moment… I’m sure I will, but right now I’m just look­ing for all kinds of things to loom knit. I saw some real­ly cute cro­cheted and knit­ted tea cozies in the shape of plum pud­ding late­ly, and I thought I could prob­a­bly loom knit one! So here it is :D

I’ve actu­al­ly nev­er had plum pud­ding, but always thought it’s the cutest-look­ing Christ­mas-relat­ed thing! The light­ing in my apart­ment is quite poor espe­cial­ly in the evening, but here’s a bet­ter look at the tea cozy.

I thought I’d share what I did here, in case you’re a loom knit­ter and want to give it a try, or if you also want to try your hands on loom knit­ting (it’s so much fun!), and for myself to remem­ber when I need to make one or a few more next year :D 

I used this 31-peg loom, it came in a set of 4 by Loops and Threads at Michaels. I bought it because it’s afford­able, espe­cial­ly with the week­ly Michaels coupon, for my first try with loom knit­ting. I’m not sure why this par­tic­u­lar loom has an odd num­ber of pegs, because I thought all round looms have even num­ber of pegs… but it worked anyway.

I used:

Worsted weight yarn in brown and white, with 2 strands held togeth­er throughout

A bit of worsted weight yarn in green and red

3.5 mm cro­chet hook

Yarn nee­dle

How to:

To begin, cast on using chain cast on (I learned using this video) with brown.

Then, using e‑wraps (here’s a tuto­r­i­al), work 8 rows around. The tea cozy uses e‑wraps throughout.

We now sep­a­rate front and back pieces.


Work 16 stitch­es back and forth (to cre­ate a flat pan­el) for 7 rows (video on how to make a flat pan­el here).

Then, incor­po­rate white using this chart.

Start with the bot­tom row. Work two stitch­es of brown. Make a slip knot with white and put on next peg, and work this stitch. When wrap­ping the next peg with white, make sure that the brown work­ing yarn is lay­ing on top of the white work­ing yarn, thus car­ry­ing the brown yarn along. Con­tin­ue fol­low­ing the chart, car­ry­ing the brown when wrap­ping with the white, and vice versa.

After fin­ish­ing the chart, work 10 rows back and forth in white. (My teapot is a bit on the tall side stand­ing at 6.5″ includ­ing lid, so if your teapot is small­er, you can prob­a­bly omit a few rows.) Cut yarn.


Attach brown to the first unworked peg at row 8. Wrap and knit the remain­ing 15 unworked stitch­es for 7 rows. 

Fol­low the chart for the next 3 rows. If you have the same loom as me you would need to omit either the far left or far right col­umn of the chart.

Work 10 rows in white (or the same num­ber of rows on the oth­er side). 

Work 5 rows in the round. Tie and secure the yarn tail when you get to the peg where the yarn was cut at the end of the front piece.

Leav­ing a long tail, cut yarn. Thread yarn tail in nee­dle, weave nee­dle through each stitch while tak­ing the stitch off the peg, gath­er and cinch the stitch­es togeth­er, turn piece inside out, weave the nee­dle through the gath­ered stitch­es a few more times and tie off. Weave in all the ends. Turn piece right side out. 

Here’s close up of the com­plet­ed icing chart…


Leaves (make 3): Leav­ing a long tail for sewing, ch 10, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, through back loop only, *sc in next ch, dc in next ch, ch 2, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, dc in next ch, sc in next ch, dc in next ch, ch 2, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, dc in next ch, sc in next ch*, sl st in next ch. Now work­ing on the oth­er side of the foun­da­tion chain, repeat from * to *, sl st in last ch, fas­ten off, weave in this end.

Berries (make 3): Leav­ing a long tail for sewing, 6 sc in mag­ic ring, don’t join in the round, 1 sc in each sc for 2 rounds (or just work 12 sc’s), fas­ten off. Stuff tail end into berry. Thread begin­ning tail in nee­dle, pull on tail to ensure mag­ic ring is closed as tight­ly as pos­si­ble, pass nee­dle through the mag­ic ring and the berry and pre­pare to sew on the pudding.


Sew leaves and berries onto the top of the plum pud­ding with the yarn tails, like so…

Put teapot in cozy, and we’re done! Pret­ty quick and easy. Makes a great gift for tea lovers :)

Have a cozy, hap­py week­end, everyone!



adventures in loom-knitting

For my birth­day I got myself a set of knit­ting looms. It also serves well as a birth­day crown :D

I’ve dis­cov­ered that loom-knit­ting is super quick for mak­ing hats! I found it quite relax­ing and it’s a great for tv-watch­ing. I lit­er­al­ly made 5 hats in a week. Some were small­er child-size ones of course, but def­i­nite­ly quick­er than knit­ting. And thick and cozy with the dou­bled brim and super bulky yarn. I’ve had great results using Caron Tea Cakes. One roll makes about 2.5 hats, and it’s just about the right thick­ness for the loom. 

So I made a cou­ple with the Earl Grey colour­way for friends. The looms I got came with an instruc­tion book so I just fol­lowed that. There are also tons of tuto­ri­als for mak­ing dou­ble-rimmed loom-knit­ted hats with sim­ple e‑wrap stitches.

Then I remade my pink hat.

And then made a cou­ple of kids’ ones using Sprin­kle Cakes :D This was one of them. The brim was 2 strands of worsted weight yarn held togeth­er. The oth­er has a pur­ple brim and yel­low pom pom but I gift-wrapped it before tak­ing a picture :(

This one I made with two strands of worsted weight yarn held togeth­er throughout. 

And this was a cus­tom order, with a mod­i­fied Alber­tosaurus on it :)

Have you tried loom-knit­ting? What else have you made? I’d love to hear about oth­er possibilities!

Have a good week every­one! :D



Over the past month or so I’ve been work­ing on a cou­ple of hand pup­pets using a kit that I bought from my local yarn store. It was my sub­way project. I learned to make bob­bles! I real­ly like the toothy grin of this one. The teeth are crocheted :)

And I fig­ured out how to make tiny spikes with a picot cast-off/edg­ing tuto­r­i­al! Here they are, singing :D

My co-work­er gave me a stone that I think real­ly wants to be an owl, so I helped it along :) Now I think it looks like it’s wear­ing a pink sweater.

I watched a ran­dom video on Insta­gram about cook­ing an egg in a glass in a microwave. It worked for the most part! And it real­ly need­ed a Gude­ta­ma face :P

It’s the lit­tle things :) Have a good week, everyone!


mid summer plumeria

In an ear­li­er post I talked about try­ing out a dia­mond lace pat­tern for a sum­mer sweater. So it’s final­ly done! 

I used less than one skein of Bernat Hand­i­crafter Cot­ton (large ball, 340g) in Queen Ann’s Lace Ombre. I had start­ed this sweater with the goal of using up the ball of yarn after mak­ing a cou­ple of dish cloths. So I was able to make two dish cloths (one was cro­cheted too! The oth­er knit­ted) AND a sweater out of one ball of yarn. Now, the sweater is of a cropped style and I’m a small per­son, and I did use an extra small skein of pale yel­low for the rib­bing, but still! I was quite hap­py with the ball of yarn :) The strip­ing also worked out quite even­ly with garter stitch. Kind of retro feel.

It’s essen­tial­ly a boat-neck square top. Pret­ty easy to make, and quite com­fort­able, per­fect for mid/late sum­mer evenings, or hang­ing out by the waters where there’s a bit of a breeze. 

This is more of an adap­ta­tion of a pat­tern than an orig­i­nal pat­tern. There is no way I’d have the skills to come up with the dia­mond lace pat­tern. The chart comes from the Dia­mond Girl sweater pat­tern by Red Heart (link­ing to its Rav­el­ry page here, as the direct link to the pat­tern site does­n’t seem to work).

What I used:

One ball of Bernat Hand­i­crafter Cot­ton (large, 340g) in Queen Ann’s Lace Ombre

One skein of Bernat Hand­i­crafter Cot­ton (small, 50g) in Pale Yellow

6mm cir­cu­lar nee­dles (36″)

5mm cir­cu­lar nee­dles (9″ — for sleeves rib­bing and collar)

Tapes­try nee­dle for sewing up seams

Fin­ished size I made: Bust 35″, length 16.5″ (size adjust­ment in ital­ics below)



The instruc­tion below does require know­ing how to read knit­ting charts.

The sweater starts from the bot­tom rib­bing of front piece, knit­ting body up to neck, bind­ing off a num­ber of stitch­es in the cen­tre for col­lar, then in the next row cast­ing on the same num­ber of stitch­es using cable cast on, then con­tin­u­ing down the body of back, end­ing with rib­bing at bot­tom edge. The side seams are then sewn, then col­lar edg­ing and arm­hole rib­bing are worked using small­er cir­cu­lar needles.

What I did:

1. Down­load dia­mond lace chart. (Try fol­low­ing the link on its Rav­el­ry page, or copy and paste the fol­low­ing link in your brows­er. Click­ing on the link itself seems to only open up the Red Heart gen­er­al site, not sure why:

2. With larg­er nee­dles and pale yel­low yarn, cast on 65 st. Work 1x1 rib for 9 rows.

The chart is a 16 st pat­tern repeat, the eas­i­est way to size up would be adding 16 st to cast on = CO 81. 16″=approx. 4.25″ in this gauge. CO 81 would there­fore result in 43.5″ around.

3. Fas­ten off pale yel­low, attach main colour yarn, begin work­ing dia­mond lace chart across. Use knit stitch in every row.

4. Repeat chart 4 times. (or more repeats if you’d like a longer sweater)

5. Next row: knit 12 st, bind off 41 st, knit 12 st. (For larg­er size i.e. CO 81, sug­gest knit 16, bind off 49, knit 16.) 

6. Next row: knit 12 st, cast on 41 st using cable cast on, knit 12 st. (For larg­er size i.e. CO 81, sug­gest knit 16, cast on 49, knit 16.) 

7. Next row: knit every stitch.

8. Next row: begin dia­mond lace pat­tern, repeat pat­tern 4 times. (or more times if you’d like a longer sweater, same num­ber of repeats as the oth­er side of sweater)

9. Fas­ten off main colour, attach pale yel­low, work 1x1 rib­bing for 9 rows. Bind off.

10. Assem­bly: Sew up side seams from bot­tom of sweater to under arm, approx. the length of 2 dia­mond lace pat­tern repeats. (or adjust to your measurement)

11. Sleeves: Turn sweater right side out. Using small­er nee­dles, attach pale yel­low to arm open­ing at under­arm seam, pick up and work 1x1 rib­bing even­ly around arm open­ing, for 6 rows, then bind off. Repeat for the oth­er arm open­ing, ensur­ing the same num­ber of stitch­es on each sleeve.

12. Col­lar: Using small­er nee­dles, attach pale yel­low at cen­tre back of col­lar, pick up and knit even­ly around col­lar. Knit one more row around, bind off.

Weave in all ends, and we’re done! :D

Please feel free to leave a com­ment below if you have any ques­tions or need clar­i­fi­ca­tions! Have a hap­py, crafty week! :D



Slow­ly work­ing on a few lazy sum­mer project. I bought this Bernat Hand­i­crafter Cot­ton to make a dish cloth but I had a lot left. I tried mak­ing a cou­ple more dish cloths but I still had a lot left. So I won­dered whether there was enough to make a sum­mer top with the rest. Because it’s a var­ie­gat­ed yarn I thought a sim­ple geo­met­ric pat­tern, like a dia­mond lace pat­tern, would work with­out obscur­ing the lace pat­tern too much.

It was just going to a sim­ple boxy sweater, I fig­ured I would knit in the round until under­arm, then knit front and back sep­a­rate­ly by knit­ting flat, then sew the shoul­der seams, and final­ly knit sev­er­al rounds of 1x1 rib around the sleeves and collar. 

So I start­ed with knit­ting in the round, first in stock­inette, then in garter stitch, but the pool­ing just turned out real­ly weird when I switched from knit­ting in the round to knit­ting flat when I sep­a­rat­ed front and back. I guess I should’ve known that the yarn would do that. So any­way, the above pic­ture shows that I’m back to knit­ting it flat in two pieces, then knit­ting the rib­bing on the sleeves and col­lar in the round. Will keep you post­ed on how it goes! I do like the colour com­bi­na­tion of the yarn, and knit­ting it flat is cre­at­ing more of a strip­ing rather than a pool­ing pat­tern, which I like bet­ter, so I’m real­ly hop­ing it will work. Will keep you post­ed and share the pat­tern if it works out!

Before the sum­mer sweater I was work­ing on a pat­tern from the 5th anniver­sary issue of Pom Pom mag­a­zine. It’s being hiber­nat­ed at the moment because it’s too warm to knit this. But I’m look­ing for­ward to fin­ish­ing it. I love side­ways sweaters. It just needs sleeves, which I will knit in the round after sewing up the side seams. Using Caron Cakes! :D I do love var­ie­gat­ed yarn.

And because a sweater is too large to knit on pub­lic tran­sit, I start­ed a portable project for going to and from work. I’m mak­ing some drag­on hand pup­pets for my niece and nephew for Christ­mas (shh… and no, it’s nev­er too ear­ly to start hol­i­day craft­ing). I bought a kit from my local yarn store and learned to make bob­bles (a row of bob­bles runs down the back of the pup­pet). Also, short colour repeat rain­bow yarn is so much fun to work with! Spot the tiny heart!

Looks like I have a few WIPs but I actu­al­ly did fin­ish a cus­tom order recent­ly. Ani­mal friends to be part of a com­mem­o­ra­tive project, so glad I could con­tribute to it. 

Wish­ing you much joy and cre­ativ­i­ty for the weekend!


TTC knitalong adventure :D

Last week I helped out with the TTC Kni­ta­long and yarn-hopped with a won­der­ful group of peo­ple around the city yarn-craft­ing and shar­ing laughs! Thought I’d share some highlights!

Oh and if you aren’t famil­iar, the TTC Kni­ta­long is a char­i­ty event that ben­e­fits Sis­ter­ing, a trans-inclu­sive sup­port and drop-in cen­tre for women in down­town Toron­to. Live around TO and missed it this year? You can read all about how it works here so you can be all ready next year! :D

Our route start­ed at my local yarn store, the very cozy and friend­ly Porch Swing Yarn­som­ni­acs. Mike is such a troop­er, he had a wed­ding to attend in the after­noon but joined us for the morn­ing, work­ing on a Huf­flepuff scarf :) Also, note the bril­liant Star Wars sweater that the own­er of Yarn­som­ni­acs cre­at­ed!! (It’s on the back of the wood­en rock­ing chair — you can see it in all its glo­ry here :D)

We then hopped over to the bright and sun­ny Knit-O-Mat­ic. Must remem­ber that they car­ry Lily Sug­ar ‘n Cream cot­ton. I love sum­mer knit­ting with cotton.

Eweknit not only has yarn, it also has WATG kits (heart-eyes) and tons and tons of gor­geous fabric!

Then we took a break for lunch. We went to Lit­tle Sito for Lebanese brunch, which I’ve nev­er had before. The per­fect­ly poached eyes on rich fried cheese, avo­ca­do, herbed home fries, oh my. High­ly rec­om­mend it!

After lunch we went over to Yarns Untan­gled in vibrant Kens­ing­ton Mar­ket. It has the per­fect knit­ting spot for knitting/napping under the tree :) Also love that this shop always car­ries prod­ucts from local arti­sans like greet­ing cards, soaps and but­tons, in addi­tion to unique hand-dyed yarns.

Final­ly, we spent the rest of the after­noon at Rom­ni Wools in the isles and isles, floor to ceil­ing full of wool­ly good­ness. (every­one quick­ly dis­ap­peared behind the yarn before I could take a pic­ture :S)

Knit­ting along on the TTC! Knit­ting while stand­ing in a crowd­ed, mov­ing street­car is a Toron­ton­ian superpower. 

I’m actu­al­ly quite direc­tion­al­ly chal­lenged (had to con­sult with my com­pass a cou­ple of times through­out the trip!), so thank­ful for par­tic­i­pants who super knew where they were going, and for a rel­a­tive­ly easy, relax­ing route :) Though because I’ve nev­er led a team before I was quite ner­vous about remem­ber the route and keep­ing time, so I did­n’t try to buy any­thing until our last stops. But I did bring home sweater quan­ti­ties of Brig­gs & Lit­tle wool (Canada’s old­est woolen mill!) in these beau­ti­ful shades of green, a back issue of Pom Pom mag­a­zine with love­ly sum­mer sweater pat­terns, and a beeswax food wrap with piles of cats on it to reduce the use of Saran wrap! 

We’re so for­tu­nate­ly to have so many local inde­pen­dent yarn stores in Toron­to! I’ve always just known they are there but don’t real­ly vis­it, because going to Michaels is eas­i­er, and I’ve start­ed to take them for grant­ed. Will have to make a point to vis­it them more often! 

Wish­ing every­one a won­der­ful week!


countdown to the TTC knitalong!

I spent yes­ter­day morn­ing stuff­ing awe­some swag bags with awe­some peo­ple for every­one com­ing to the TTC Kni­ta­long (heart-eyes, heart-eyes, heart-eyes). Check this out!

So excit­ed!! It’s only one week away! It’s not too late to sign up, but hur­ry, there are only a few tick­ets left!

So grate­ful for the spon­sors this year!! <3 we’ve got very nice mer­cer­ized cot­ton, large but­tons, nee­dles, hooks and knooks (new craft to learn btw!), gauge ruler, and knit­ting patterns!

There are ALSO lots and lots of YARN raf­fle prizes, which you can check out on the TTC Kni­ta­long Insta­gram feed :) And you can get a free raf­fle tick­et for every yarn or fin­ished item dona­tion! The yarn dona­tions go to orga­ni­za­tions like Street Knit, Knit­ted Knock­ers and hos­pi­tals. Pro­ceeds from the event goes to Sis­ter­ing, a drop-in and sup­port cen­tre for women in Toronto.

Come join us this Sat­ur­day if you’re in the Toron­to area! :D You’ll see me with team Mag­ic Loop!

Have a good week everyone!