Walnut ornaments for a friend :D I saw this really cute walnut ornament from this blog about making miniatures, so I had to give it a try. Plus Mike and I were going to make this mixed-nut cinnamon sugar cranberry topping (for yogurt, ice cream, oatmeal, etc.) to give away as gifts. It took several days to crack the bag of walnuts, and only 10 or so split open perfectly, but I was really happy with how the ornaments turned out :D
Here’s the side of it, so you can see how I attacked the yarn loop. I just glued it on with hot glue.

And I must make the yarn basket because my friend is a very talented knitter and has helped me with quite a few knitting projects! :D

This is a request from my 7 year-old cousin, who wanted a pink stripy cat. It’s modified from this tiny bunny pattern. She later told me that she named the cat Rainbow Unicorn Spiky. Here Rainbow the cat is sitting with Kat Sue the felted cat a friend bought from the awesome Felpa Felt last year.

Hipster bibs for my niece and nephew! I used the pattern from This Young Mama. Forgot to take a picture of the back but it’s actually lined with towels, with snaps for closure. My favourite is the one with the chicken on it. Though when I printed out the pattern I thought it looked too big, so I reduced the size a bit and it turned out looking a bit small on the kids. Oh well. They still looked quite cute on them and I hope they would still be useful for a while…

I just liked how the patterns and colours looked together with these projects so I took a photo before packaging it for mailing. They were going to a friend and her mom. The green ones are actually socks made from this pattern, and the pink is a (knitted!) hat from this pattern. I’m kind of afraid of knitting in circle, and I left it until a couple of days before the parcel-mailing deadline :S So the pattern was perfect because it was knitted flat and seamed, and it’s made with a chunky yarn so it’s super quick.Â

A Christmas pickle! I thought my friend would like the story that goes with it. Made with pattern from Fresh Stitches.

Gingerbread man pins! Made from Twinkie Chan’s cheerful crochet book :D I made four, but only remembered to take a photo after wrapping up two of them. The idea was inspired by my sister-in-law, who has been wearing the gingerbread man pin I gave her for the past few years despite the fact that it wasn’t very well-constructed and was all curling up and stretched out of shape. So I was determined to make her a new and improved one. It’s actually a really great pattern so I decided to make more for my sister and cousins :D

Cupcake hats! Also from Twinkie Chan’s book. I made them smaller with a smaller hook and thinner yarn for my two baby first-cousins-once-removed (in Chinese they would just call me a cousin-aunt). This pattern is really fun to make as well, wouldn’t mind making several more… who wants a cupcake hat? :D oooh, and I made the pompom cherries with a fork! That’s lots of fun too.

I think I’m more excited about making presents than receiving presents, because it gives me more reasons to make things.
The present that was the most challenging to make deserves a post of its own, so I will share that with you later! :D
Have a happy Wednesday!