one more day!


One more day to leave a com­ment before I draw a name for the tiny donut give-away tomor­row (Fri­day) night at 11pm EST!

The win­ner gets to choose 3 of the tiny donuts shown in this post, and I will attach a tiny safe­ty pin to each one too so they can be worn as brooches :)

To enter you just need to leave a com­ment on this post or the pre­vi­ous post. If you sub­scribe to this blog (thank you!) and receive blog posts by email, please com­ment on the actu­al blog post (rather than send­ing a reply email) so I can include your name in the draw :D

Will be announc­ing the win­ner AND post­ing the donut pat­tern on Sat­ur­day! :D Stay tuned! Until then, have a hap­py Friday!


tiny donut party (a giveaway!)

Photo 2015-04-04, 11 47 19 AM

Guess what? It’s the gen­uine mud­pie blog’s 5th anniver­sary! :D

Can’t believe I’ve been writ­ing and doing crafts on this blog for 5 years already. I’ve def­i­nite­ly slowed down a lit­tle with the blog­ging (but not with the craft­ing!), espe­cial­ly recent­ly, because of school and work. But I’ve always found it so com­fort­ing to return to this space and share what brings me joy. Thank you so much for sup­port­ing gen­uine mud­pie by vis­it­ing, leav­ing com­ments and jour­ney­ing with me on var­i­ous crafty adven­tures! :D

So! To cel­e­brate, I’m doing a give­away of tiny donuts! Sim­ply leave a com­ment on this post by next Fri­day April 8th, and I will ran­dom­ly draw a name from the com­ments. I will announce the win­ner here on Sat­ur­day April 9th. The win­ner can choose any 3 of the donuts shown here. I will attach a safe­ty pin to the back of each donut — so you can wear one proud­ly and share the rest with your friends (or not :P). And yes, I ship worldwide :)

Each donut is a lit­tle shy of 1″ across.

Photo 2015-04-04, 12 01 01 PM

And here are some of the flavours :D We have clas­sic pink frosting…

Photo 2015-04-04, 11 49 01 AM

Car­rot cake!

Photo 2015-04-04, 11 49 58 AM

Mint choco­late.

Photo 2015-04-04, 11 57 33 AM

Spe­cial spark­ly lavender.

Photo 2015-04-04, 11 52 33 AM


And more :)

Photo 2015-04-04, 11 59 12 AM


They’re actu­al­ly a lot of fun to make and very quick too, so I will also be shar­ing the pat­tern next Sat­ur­day so every­one can make them :) But if you’d like the chance of receiv­ing cheer­ful tiny donut pins in the mail, please leave a com­ment below! :D

Hap­py Saturday!


other fun things

I’ve been only post­ing about the 12 Days of Wood­land Crea­tures for the past month! But you know me, that would­n’t be the only project I’ve been work­ing on — here are some of the oth­er fun things that have been keep­ing my hands busy :D

Photo 2014-09-19, 6 47 03 PM

About a month ago I made a cou­ple of stool cov­ers for my awe­some friends as a wed­ding gift, fol­low­ing this pat­tern by We are Knit­ters. Yes! The loop stitch! It’s just so fun to make! But after mak­ing hun­dreds, pos­si­bly thou­sands of loop stitch­es to make the 2 cov­ers I think I will give it a rest for now… I think the cov­ers will also make nice padding for reg­u­lar chairs or extra floor seatings!

I also made these very cute (and very easy! Instant plush!) knit square rab­bits fol­low­ing this pat­ter from Lebenslustiger, for my niece and nephews to cel­e­brate the arrival of the new baby broth­er :D

square rabbits

They have white pom poms for tails.

square rabbits 2

One day I went out to gath­er the last few dan­de­lion­s and filled a few small bot­tles with the seeds.


As you can see I’ve attached a head pin to the cork — they turned into neck­laces and are now in my friend’s shop, amongst oth­er things…

new shopThat’s right! I’ve joined my friend Jes­si­ca’s shop again this month :D It’s a shop in down­town Toron­to that rents out spaces to local artists/artisans. Please vis­it if you’re in the neigh­bour­hood :D You might rec­og­nize some of the pins that I made ear­li­er (see bet­ter pic­tures of them in this post) for an out­door craft show (which was unfor­tu­nate­ly can­celled due to bad weath­er), and the hedge­hogs and owls!

AND! As you may have noticed on the right side­bar of this blog I’ve also reopened my Etsy shop. I took a break from both the phys­i­cal shop and the Etsy shop last year because of a very packed sched­ule of school and work. But since I’ve grad­u­at­ed (yay!) I’ve got more time on my hands :D

So one item I recent­ly list­ed — and I’m quite proud of it — is the BYOBLT stack­able mag­net set!

BYOBLTMike designed the pack­ag­ing for it — isn’t it so pro­fes­sion­al-look­ing? Here it is in action!


And because the bacon was a lot of fun to make, I made a few smil­ing bacon mag­nets for the phys­i­cal shop as well (plus some very fes­tive can­dy corns for the sea­son!). Maybe I will list them on Etsy too.


I have def­i­nite­ly been enjoy­ing more time to craft and be creative!

Wish­ing you a won­der­ful Fri­day and weekend!


12 days of woodland creatures

Intro­duc­ing!! 12 Days of Wood­land Crea­tures (and Their Favourite Things)!


You’re invit­ed to a cro­chet-along! :D

I’ve been plan­ning this for a while now. Every year I try to do a “dai­ly prac­tice” kind of project, where I make some­thing every­day, as a way of keep­ing cre­ativ­i­ty flow­ing, like the square-a-day project. This year I was asked by a good friend to make a for­est-themed mobile for the newest mem­ber of her fam­i­ly (excit­ing!!). So, to hon­our my friend’s gen­er­ous spir­it I thought I would share how I make each crea­ture with every­one on this blog :D

And then I thought this would be a per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty for a cro­chet-along! The crea­tures don’t only belong on a mobile, they can be used for a lot of dif­fer­ent things…



Orna­ments? Maybe for an advent cal­en­der like this? Or, by the end of the project you would have a set of wood­land orna­ments for the Christ­mas tree, just in time for the hol­i­day season!

Char­ac­ters for felt sto­ry­boards, with vel­cro on the back?

Car­ry-along plush toys?

Pock­et pets?

Pos­si­bil­i­ties are endless :)


So! This is how it works: 

Every 2–3 days I will post a pat­tern for a cro­chet wood­land crea­ture (or its favourite things). And I won’t be pre-announc­ing what the crea­tures are, so it will be a sur­prise every time! At the end there will be 12 pat­terns. You can cro­chet along for all of the pat­terns, or just one, or pick the ones you like. And if you send me pic­tures or blog posts about what you have cre­at­ed, I will share it here, like our craft-along gallery a cou­ple of years ago (that was lots of fun! :D), then we can see all the dif­fer­ent and fun and cre­ative ways that every­one has used for the creatures!

I’d love to know if you’d like to join in the fun, please make a com­ment below! :D

AND!! Today we have our first crea­ture — yup, you guessed it. The hedge­hog!

hedgehog fuzzy

Love the fuzzy yarn on this one :)

I also learned the loop stitch in the mak­ing of the hedge­hog. There’s a great pho­to tuto­r­i­al of it if you haven’t made it before.

I used:

Worsted weight yarn — one colour for the body and a con­trast­ing colour for the head.

4 mm hook

2 small black beads for eyes (just one if you’re mak­ing a brooch)

Nee­dle and thread for sewing

Pink embroi­dery thread and brown yarn for embroi­der­ing rosy cheeks and nose


Note: the turn­ing ch 1 in this pat­tern does not count as a stitch. The pat­tern alter­nates between loop stitch (lp st) rows and sin­gle cro­chet (sc) rows, with the increas­es and decreas­es made in the sc rows and work­ing even in the lp st rows)


With body colour, ch 5

Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across, turn.

Row 2: ch 1, loop stitch (lp st) in each sc across (4 lp st), turn.

Row 3: ch 1, 1 sc in each of the next 2 lp st, 2 sc in each of the next 2 lp st, turn.

Row 4: ch 1, lp st in each sc across (6 lp st), turn.

Row 5: ch 1, 1 sc in each of the next 4 lp st, 2 sc in each of the remain­ing 2 lp st, turn.

Row 6: ch 1, lp st in each sc across (8 lp st), turn.

Row 7: ch 1, 1 sc in each lp st across, turn.

Row 8: ch 1, lp st in each sc across (8 lp st), turn.

Row 9 & 10: repeat rows 7 & 8 (8 lp st).

Row 11: ch 1, 1 sc in each of the next 2 lp st, *2 sc tog over next 2 lp st*, repeat from * to * twice, turn.

Row 12: ch 1, lp st in each sc across (5 lp st), turn.

Change to head colour, fas­ten off body colour.

Row 13: ch 1, sc in each lp st, turn.

Row 14: ch 1, 2 sc tog over first 2 sc, 1 sc in each remain­ing sc across, turn.

Row 15: ch 1, 1 sc in each of the next 2 sc, 2 sc tog over the remain­ing 2 sc, turn.

Row 16: 3 sc tog, fas­ten off.

If you’re mak­ing a dou­ble-sided hedge­hog:

Make a mir­ror image of the above hedge­hog shape by revers­ing the increas­es and decrease in the pat­tern, i.e. if the row ends with increase/decrease stitch­es in the pat­tern, start with increase/decrease stitch­es when mak­ing a mir­ror image, and vice ver­sa. Leave a long tail for sewing when fas­ten­ing off both the body colour and the head colour. Sew on eyes, embroi­der nose and rosy cheeks, then sew the two hedge­hog shapes togeth­er, using the long tail of head colour when sewing the head sec­tion and the long tail of body colour when sewing the body section.

If you’re mak­ing a sin­gle-sided hedge­hog, like a brooch:

Make a back piece for the hedge­hog using head colour fol­low­ing the pat­tern above, replac­ing all lp st rows with sc rows. Sew pin back to the back piece, sew on eye, nose and rosy cheek, then sew the back piece to the hedgehog.

And that’s it! You have a new hedge­hog friend :D

Hope you like the pat­tern, and please drop me a note if you want to join me in cro­chet­ing along!




and the winning amigurumi is.…

Today is the day! 

I’m ran­dom­ly draw­ing an amigu­ru­mi sug­ges­tion from the com­ments every­one has left on this post, this post, and my post on Insta­gram.

I’m using the list ran­dom­iz­er on I enter all the sug­ges­tions as a list, and then the num­ber one item in the ran­dom­ized list would be the winner.

And the win­ning amigu­ru­mi is…

random march 8



An amigu­ru­mi nar­whal will be going to Amy, who made the sug­ges­tion :D

Now I just have to ask for every­one’s patience, as the fin­ished nar­whal and pat­tern will take me a lit­tle time… but it would be a great way to wel­come spring/summer by mak­ing an aquat­ic creature! 

Thank you so much every­one for your sug­ges­tions and com­ments! I’m a bit sad that I’m not able to make a pat­tern for all of the amigu­ru­mi you’ve sug­gest­ed, because they’re all great ideas and I like all of them! So I’ve decid­ed to scour the inter­web to see if these pat­terns already exist, and here they are if you want to make some of them :D (you can click on the above image to see the list of all the ani­mals suggested)

Thanks so much for the inspi­ra­tions, everyone!



capybara currently ahead of the curve

Aw, and this one is hug­ging a cat. (source)

As you may know in my last post I asked every­one what animal/creature/thing you’d like to see an amigu­ru­mi (cro­chet small plush) pat­tern for, and to leave a com­ment if you’ve got an idea. I’d then ran­dom­ly choose a com­ment this Sat­ur­day to make the cro­chet plush that’s been sug­gest­ed. The per­son who made the com­ment will receive the fin­ished cro­chet plush (I do ship inter­na­tion­al­ly), and I will write up the pat­tern and share it on the blog for all to enjoy :D

So far it looks like capy­bara has the most chance of being ran­dom­ly cho­sen, as most of the visitors/readers have sug­gest­ed it. But if you’d like a cro­chet plush of a dif­fer­ent animal/creature/thing, there’s still a chance before Sat­ur­day! You can leave a com­ment on this post or my last post.

Have a good rest-of-the-week!





I’ve been nom­i­nat­ed for a Lieb­ster Award by the won­der­ful Kirsty at Tea and Rain­bows! :D 

That made my day. Thanks so much for your thought­ful­ness Kirsty! I’ve been fol­low­ing Kirsty’s blog for a while and I’m always super impressed with her sewing projects — please hop over to check them out!

Part of the award involves answer­ing some ques­tions for Kirsty, which are so over­due now, and I’m post­ing a much abbre­vi­at­ed response to the nom­i­na­tion because of lack of time, I’m sor­ry >_< but here they are!

1. What’s your guilty plea­sure?
I eat far too much chips, some­times I think it’s not so good for me but that’s the first thing I go for after a busy day at school/work :S

2. What’s your favourite kind of fab­ric to work with?
Cot­ton! Very easy to work with and does­n’t slip all over the place.

3. Favourite ani­mal?
Llamas, capy­baras, rab­bits, giraffes, pen­guins, owls (it’s hard to name just one :P)  

4. What’s your all-time-favourite sewing pat­tern to make?
The square top! (and vari­a­tions of it, dress­es and such)

5. What one sewing tool can’t you live with­out?
Nee­dles of all sorts. I use them to sew togeth­er cro­chet and knit­ting projects as well, and embroi­der­ing details.

6. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An artist or a paleontologist 

7. What’s the best thing that hap­pened to you today?
I got some free time to knit, and to write this blog post :D

8. What’s your favourite seam fin­ish?
I’ve only ever use straight stitch… oh wait, I tried French seam once, it was fun.

9. How long ago did you start sewing?
When I was 14.

10. If I gave you a cat, what would you name it?
Fil­bert. Or McFurson. 

11. Where do you get your sewing inspi­ra­tion from?
What I see peo­ple wear, or blogs. I like very sim­ple shapes and structures.


And now, I’ve got a ques­tion for you! I haven’t been post­ing amigu­ru­mi or cro­chet tiny plush pat­terns late­ly, part of the rea­son is that I’m hav­ing a hard time com­ing up with ideas for new things to make. I’m won­der­ing what you would like to see an amigu­ru­mi / cro­chet tiny plush pat­tern for? Please feel free to leave a comment! 

And to make it fun, I will ran­dom­ly choose a com­ment and make the animal/thing that’s sug­gest­ed in the com­ment next Sat­ur­day, and the per­son who made the com­ment will receive the fin­ished cro­chet plush :) And of course, I will post the pat­tern to share with every­one. Look­ing for­ward to hear­ing your ideas!

Have a great week, everyone!




giraffe winner!

A gigan­tic thank-you to every­one who entered my sec­ond give­away! I’m super excit­ed to announce the winner…

This time I decid­ed to pick the win­ner in style by draw­ing num­bers out of a hat.

giraffe draw

And the win­ner is.….  the 8th com­menter in the post!

Con­grat­u­la­tions Jeanette!!! :D  I will con­tact you by email short­ly for your mail­ing address­es. And yes, I do ship inter­na­tion­al­ly. Giraffe the neck warmer is equal­ly excit­ed to have a new home!! 


Thank you to every­one for your support…

have a fan­tas­tic week and a very Hap­py Ground­hog day!

giraffe giveaway! :D

giraffe 1


 Giraffe the neck warmer is one of the things that I was let­ting go of from my last post.

I made it for a craft show a few years back, it’s been sit­ting in my “poten­tial sale items” bin since then. 

giraffe 2


It’s cro­cheted with a fuzzy brown yarn like this and a soft yel­low acrylic yarn, with two large white but­tons for closure.

This is how it looks on a neck…

giraffe 3


Very warm. A cus­tomer who bought a sim­i­lar neck warmer from me said it was good for bike-rid­ing in cold weather.

So if you are inter­est­ed in giv­ing Giraffe the neck warmer a home, please leave a com­ment in this post before mid­night on Fri­day Feb­ru­ary 1st. The win­ner will be select­ed using a ran­dom num­ber gen­er­a­tor and I will post the result on Sat­ur­day, Feb­ru­ary 2nd.

Friends and vis­i­tors from far and wide are wel­come to enter, I will send it any­where :D


Have a sweet weekend! 




craft-along gallery posted! :D

All the awe­some pho­tos and sto­ries you’ve sent are final­ly post­ed! You can find them by click­ing the “craft-along gallery” tap above. A huge thank-you hug to Mike who added the nifty gallery view­er :D

A tiny Yeti hug :D

The craft-along was a lot of fun! And I’ve been oooh-ing and ahh-ing over the pho­tos every­one’s sent me. I will total­ly be up for hav­ing anoth­er par­ty some­times in the future. Maybe next time we can have a themed party!

Thank you so much for join­ing me! So inspired by your cre­ativ­i­ty. I hope you’ve had a good time craft­ing, and I hope you enjoy look­ing at every­one’s projects!

Have a great week, everyone!