Operation Necklace!

I was going to wear a black t‑shirt to a wed­ding. With a nice flow­ery skirt. A friend sug­gest­ed acces­soriz­ing the t‑shirt so it looks more dressed-up.

“Like with a long neck­lace or some­thing, you know?” said friend.

So I remem­bered that I had this long chain I bought for a project in 3rd year. And I have beads that seemed to go well with the colours of my flow­ery skirt and my pink shoes. So! Jump­ing quick­ly into action, I…

… took apart some of the links…

… and replaced them with bead­ed links made with jew­el­ry wire…


I was kind of under­whelmed by the fin­ished prod­uct. Some­thing was miss­ing. Or it was an awk­ward length. I was­n’t sure. More need­ed to be done. So I added to it the rest of the chain. It was quite a relax­ing project while watch­ing back-to-back episodes of Say Yes to the Dress on a Fri­day afternoon…

And final­ly, it was done! All 40 inch­es of it! I tried to wear it like this…

… but I was­n’t too impressed. I guess it looked OK…

And then I tried it like this…

I think this is the win­ning look here! (I also real­ly like how this pic­ture turned out, with the “vivid” mode on my cam­era and the sta­t­ic in my hair  :P)

But then I thought it looked a bit odd with the neck­line of the t‑shirt…

So this is the way I end­ed up wear­ing it to the wedding…

I real­ly liked the large green beads.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly I for­got to take pic­tures of me with the neck­lace and the skirt and the pink shoes that day. They did go well togeth­er, I think. But I’m plan­ning to wear both the skirt and the neck­lace again to anoth­er wed­ding in the fall (but not the shoes; they killed my feet) so I’ll remem­ber to take some pic­tures then! :D

I don’t like going shop­ping very much, main­ly because my feet get tired eas­i­ly and so I don’t like to walk for a very long time check­ing out every store that kind of thing. And so when I find a dressy out­fit that works I tend to wear it again and again to oth­er dressy occa­sions. With some vari­a­tions, of course. And I fig­ure, espe­cial­ly at a wed­ding, nobody will notice that that bon­homme is wear­ing the same skirt she wore 3 months ago any­way because every­one will be look­ing at the bride :)

So, any­ways, Oper­a­tion Neck­lace was a suc­cess! And fun time spent with old friends and see­ing a dear friend mar­ry­ing his true love are price­less :D

Have a love­ly Tuesday!