in progress…

Pile of yarn ends and a failed orange slice and mul­ti­ple nee­dles pulling threads… yes, I’ve been work­ing on a rather exten­sive cus­tom order for the past few days, and I hope to show you the fin­ished pieces soon! :D


After hav­ing some deli­cious avo­ca­do and toma­to sal­ad, attempt­ing to grow an avo­ca­do plant. I came across a book called Don’t Throw It, Grow It some time last year and I’ve been want­i­ng to grow an avo­ca­do plant ever since. There are tons of instruc­tion online but this one came with a friend­ly video so I fol­lowed it. And now it looks like an alien egg sit­ting on a hatch­ing cham­ber soak­ing in some bub­bling, radioac­tive liq­uid. I hope it sprouts. I’ll keep you posted!


Häkeln! Been attempt­ing a cro­chet pat­tern in Ger­man. It’s for a hat. I real­ly liked the look of the hat, and no lan­guage bar­ri­er was going to keep me from mak­ing this hat. It was actu­al­ly a real­ly straight­for­ward pat­tern. I was par­tic­u­lar­ly impressed with Google Trans­late — it appears to know cro­chet short­hands! This list from Owlishy for cro­chet and knit­ting terms in dif­fer­ent lan­guages also helped a lot. And for the first time I’m using some good qual­i­ty cot­ton by Patons called Grace, in “clay”, because I had a 40% off coupon from Michaels. I real­ize that good qual­i­ty yarn does­n’t split as much as its inex­pen­sive acrylic coun­ter­parts and is there­fore a lot nicer to cro­chet with.


And then there are also oth­er things in progress. More life-deci­sions type things. I feel like “in progress” has been one of the defin­ing fea­tures of my life since kinder­garten. Always work­ing toward the end of a long process and the res­o­lu­tion. A sense of set­tle­ment. Sta­bil­i­ty. But what if there is no such thing as set­tle­ment, and life is meant to be always in progress, in motion? Or what if I’m just nev­er sat­is­fied, and when I can choose to set­tle on some­thing I instead choose to move on to some­thing else before giv­ing the for­mer a fair chance?

This is where I go in circles.

And I think about all the things that I do, the things that I make, the stuff that I write on here, whether it means any­thing. I think about the paths I’ve cho­sen, all the time I spent in dif­fer­ent class­rooms, and I lay awake at night ter­ri­fied that I’m going to waste my life away.

But in the very cen­tre of the cir­cles there is faith, which holds that none of the work done in progress would be wast­ed, told to me through the words of my moth­er. And I can only hold on to that and move forward.