the silence beneath the bark

Spot­ted this on Rice­Ba­bies the oth­er day, then found the full ver­sion of it — a whole ten min­utes of water­colour hap­pi­ness :D I could­n’t stop smil­ing when I watched it. If it snows again before sum­mer I’m going to think of this and make it all better.



Hap­py Saturday!

2 thoughts on “the silence beneath the bark

  1. oh my gosh, that’s so cool!!!! :D yet so sad.….
    they remind me of hayao miyaza­k­i’s crea­tures ^_^

  2. ya! i was real­ly sad the first time i watched it, but then after i saw the end­ing for the sec­ond time i think i got what it’s sup­posed to mean… i think…

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