sunday video — greetings from buttonville!

Spot­ted this on Craft this week, a super adorable stop motion video fea­tur­ing but­tons and a zip­per train!

More fun facts from Bonkers About But­tons:

Russ­ian ani­ma­tor, Anas­ta­sia Zhu­ravle­na cre­at­ed & direct­ed this fab­u­lous short film ded­i­cat­ed to all the but­tons lost in the metro… Start­ing with a rush-hour scene, where the trains are made from zips, the sto­ry unfolds of but­ton love found on the esca­la­tor, love lost and love redis­cov­ered. There are also some great lit­tle scenes of a but­ton tak­en ill and then the usu­al drunk­en but­tons on the last train home!

I love the “Asian tourists” with squin­ty eyes, espe­cial­ly when they start­ed snap­ping pic­tures! XD

Accord­ing to Google Trans­late, the title means “care­ful­ly doors open”. Enjoy!



p.s. The title of this post is inspired by the mem­o­ry of dri­ving by But­tonville every week going to water­colour class. It even has an air­port. I always thought it was a cute name for a small com­mu­ni­ty :D

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