new book! :D


Mike and I were wan­der­ing around Queen St. again on Sun­day. The Lomog­ra­phy Gallery Store was a place we’ve been want­i­ng to vis­it for a while (Y’all know how I like tak­ing pho­tos, espe­cial­ly wonky ones! :D). We looked at all the cam­eras and then I came across this book, Lomog­ra­phy City Guide Hong Kong! A full-colour book filled with lomo­graph­ic pho­tographs and descrip­tions of pho­to-wor­thy places in Hong Kong (but where in Hong Kong is not pho­to-wor­thy, I won­der?). Some places I’ve vis­it­ed and some I’ve nev­er heard of — so intrigu­ing, and brought up so many fond memories.

It did­n’t have a price on it but I just assumed that I could­n’t afford it — for all 272 full-colour pages sewn togeth­er plus two rib­bon book­marks — it was a pret­ty fan­cy book! I mean, the Lomog­ra­phy shop was cool and all, but it looked like one of those “if you have to ask about the price you can’t afford it” kind of place…

So I put it down, think­ing I might be able to find it cheap­er on Amazon.

Turned out that Ama­zon did­n’t have it.

Instead, I found the book in the Lomog­ra­phy online store, and guess how much it’s list­ed for?


I mean, that’s a pret­ty good deal, right? 272-page, full-colour, in both Eng­lish and Chinese?

So the next day after work I went back to the store and made a bee line to the cof­fee table where the book was dis­played, and brought it to the check­out counter with a big sil­ly grin on my face :D

Yay, new book! :D

Not sure when I’ll vis­it Hong Kong again but next time I go I’ll knew where to visit!


Have a great day, everyone!





3 thoughts on “new book! :D

  1. Find­ing that book that makes you warm inside and then find­ing out it’s total­ly afford­able… awe­some! :D

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