this week’s awesome finds!

Awe­somest idea of the week — break a glow stick in half + pour glow goo into a jar + swirl = instant lantern! :D Spot­ted on Pin­ter­est.


Anoth­er light fix­ture idea involv­ing bot­tles. Fes­tive! From Taste of Home.


More cool-look­ing lights! Tuto­r­i­al for adding a bead­ed wire tree to a night light from …Squir­rel! 


Awe­some way to repur­pose old leather purs­es and oth­er leather scrap. How-to on Design by Night.


This is so cute! Anoth­er way to recy­cle leather things. Tuto­r­i­al on Cation Designs.


For when you need a friend… Mon­ster pet rocks from The Cocoa Bean Blog.


Love the sim­plic­i­ty of this. Hexnut and macrame bracelet — tuto­r­i­al on Minieco.


This is appar­ent­ly an Anthro­polo­gie knock-off. Anthro­polo­gie appears to be all the rage in the States but I don’t think I’ve seen one in Toron­to yet… could be because I avoid malls. Knock-off or not, I just think this is real­ly pret­ty! How-to on Kojode­signs.


Isn’t this bril­liant? Both a can­dle hold­er and a planter — the plant is real­ly plant­ed and grow­ing in the pot! How-to on Fam­i­ly Chic.


Cof­fee cake in a mug in under five min­utes! Must try! Recipe on Pru­dent Baby.


Have a won­der­ful evening, everyone!






3 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds!

  1. Well, you made my day with the cof­fee cake recipe link; oh my. Tomor­row: one for me, one for hub­by. Love the idea of a lit­tle some­thing sweet.

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