weekend wonders

It was last week­end, but I did­n’t have time to sort through the pic­tures until now… Mike and I spent an after­noon at the Dis­tillery Dis­trict for the art mar­ket! I think I’ve said it before but I would high­ly rec­om­mend going to the Dis­tillery if you’re ever in Toron­to, and espe­cial­ly if you enjoy his­toric sites! It’s just so dif­fer­ent from the rest of the city, and so much to see!

There were a num­ber of large sculptures/installations…


This is part of a much larg­er piece with clear acrylic rods. Reminds me of car­ni­val rides.


There were also old rusty cars in var­i­ous street corners…




And I love the red brick walls…



A cart full of herbs!


We had French break­fast tea at a cafe before we left. It was not as robust as the Eng­lish or Irish break­fast tea. There was sup­posed to have a hint of malt and choco­late, but I did­n’t quite get it… 



One of the things that I have been want­i­ng to learn for years is glass bead-mak­ing. There are class­es at one of the stu­dios in the Dis­tillery but they are quite expen­sive (total­ly worth the mon­ey — just out of my bud­get). But recent­ly some­one told me about this stu­dio where they teach glass fus­ing. I believe one only makes one thing but a lot more afford­able as a one-time expe­ri­ence to try my hands on work­ing with glass. Some­thing on my to-do list :D 

Have a great start to the week, friends!