narnia to the north!

Well… not exact­ly Nar­nia, but cer­tain­ly the north, and we can always pre­tend, espe­cial­ly with the awe­some lamp posts! :D (you’ll see…)

Mike had to work at the Ontario Para Sport Games this week­end, and so I tagged along.

We had a snow cloud above us the whole way there, so the dri­ve was slip­pery, slow, and and kind of scary…


The roads were all cov­ered in snow with ice under­neath… but I real­ly like this pho­to because it looks almost like a vin­tage print.


But final­ly we got there safe­ly. The snow slowed down and the resort we were stay­ing at lit up like a small Christ­mas vil­lage. Note the fire­place in one of the units!


Then we noticed the lamp posts — we were wait­ing for the resort shut­tle to take us to the main build­ing, but maybe Mr. Tum­nus will come out from behind that tree and invite us to his cot­tage for tea…


Caught a nice sun­set. And the flags, they look like cheer­ful buntings, were encir­cling the ponds on the golf course so peo­ple don’t dri­ve over them on their snowmobiles. 



More lamp posts! :D


Mike bought a fire log and made good use of the fire­place in our unit, just like in the mag­a­zine! :D


And the next day, while watch­ing a game of sledge hock­ey at the Sum­mit Cen­tre, I caught sight of this won­der­ful bronze sculp­ture by Musko­ka artist Bren­da Goulet.


Which reminds me of this quote:

Today’s mighty oak is just yes­ter­day’s nut, that held its ground. 
– David Icke 


Hope your week­end was won­der­ful, and wish­ing you a great week ahead!





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