square-a-day update

Day 7, repli­cat­ing a leaf I picked up on the way to school last fall.


Day 8, the great escape.


Day 9, sys­tems the­o­ry, or, “if I could write my paper in colours and shapes”.


Day 10, resilience. I made a stamp using craft foam and a bot­tle cap. A city ris­ing from the sea. A recur­ring motif of the Wall City.


Day 11, lantern. An attempt­ed sun print with a paper snowflake kind of paper-cut­ting method. But the sun was­n’t con­sis­tent enough (despite the heat) that day to make it work. Used the paper cut as a sten­cil instead. I like how bright the magen­ta and yel­low are. Almost flo­res­cent and glowing.


Day 12, lantern, 2. Thought the paper cut sten­cil­ing was fun, made anoth­er one.


Hap­py Wednes­day! :D


More on the square-a-day project:
first post 



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