coral update :D


Soon it’s going to be big­ger than what my one hand can hold.

Was cro­chet­ing anoth­er bub­ble coral last night while lis­ten­ing to the wind beat­ing on the win­dows. I hope every­one has emerged out of the dark clouds and heavy rain of the hur­ri­cane safely.

4 thoughts on “coral update :D

  1. That is lovely.

    Have you ever seen Hyber­bol­ic cro­chet? It is based on a sci­en­tif­ic for­mu­la and repro­duced in cro­chet by two Amer­i­can sisters.
    There is a won­der­ful exhi­bi­tion if it is ever near you it is real­ly worth seeing.


  2. thank you, every­one! yes i’ve seen hyper­bol­ic cro­chet. or at least pho­tos of it :D it’s fas­ci­nat­ing and total­ly gorgeous!

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