
perler bead earrings


After post­ing about the per­ler bead ear­rings sev­er­al days ago, I imme­di­ate­ly made a pair :D They look so sweet! And so quick to make. Kind of have a lacy look to them.

It was a very small craft project but it made me real­ly hap­py. There are so many things that I want to make and I post them on this blog, but I rarely make any of them.

The next day Mike and I went to Greg’s Ice Cream :D mmm crunchy malt.

Wish­ing every­one an awe­some start to the week!


2 thoughts on “sweet!

  1. OK, I’m lov­ing them and have to make a pair myself. They look so cool! Did you already have the per­ler beads? I may head out to the craft store tomorrow :-).

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