happy mid-autumn festival! :D

It’s been a while since I last wrote, I’m feel­ing quite sad about it. But the real­i­ty is that the new school year comes with so much work that I bare­ly have time to do any­thing else.

But today is Mid Autumn Fes­ti­val. I thought I should take some time to cel­e­brate. So with a hot cup of tea sit­ting on the table beside my note­book, I made a drawing.

mid autumn

Because of class sched­ule I’m not able to go home for a fam­i­ly gath­er­ing today. But as I was draw­ing I thought about how part of the tra­di­tion of the Mid-Autumn Fes­ti­val reminds us that (at least how I under­stand it) even if we can’t phys­i­cal­ly be togeth­er with our loved ones, we know that on this day, when the moon is the fullest and bright­est, we are all gaz­ing at and appre­ci­at­ing the same moon as our loved ones over the moun­tains and across the seas. 

And so as I was draw­ing I was think­ing about my fam­i­ly and loved ones gaz­ing at the same moon. And I thought about the bio­lu­mi­nes­cent mush­rooms that we saw at an exhib­it in Chica­go. I don’t think bio­lu­mi­nes­cent mush­rooms usu­al­ly need moon­light to glow, but in my draw­ing I was kind of imag­in­ing a rela­tion­ship between the mush­rooms and the moon, where the moon gives the mush­rooms the light ener­gy so that they, too, can glow and shine. And I’m remind­ed of this passage:

We love because He first loved us.
1 John 4:19


Wish­ing you a splen­did, blessed fall sea­son of harvest.



5 thoughts on “happy mid-autumn festival! :D

  1. I had nev­er heard of the mid-autumn fes­ti­val, but I real­ly like the idea of it and think­ing of our loved ones. The moon was so beau­ti­ful last night that it made me stop and appre­ci­ate my world a lit­tle more. Some­times I am too busy in my head to enjoy my surroundings.
    Loved your drawing.

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