
I lost a knit hat I made. I’ve knit­ted two hats for myself so far and I’ve lost them both in pub­lic places. They were both per­fect spring hats, not too warm, but enough to keep my ears from freez­ing when the tem­per­a­ture is slight­ly below 0°c. I have thin and kind of flap­py ears. They freeze easily. 

So, any­way. The only way to deal with los­ing a hat is to make a new one.

Photo 2014-03-24, 9 34 27 AM


I fol­lowed this pat­tern on Rebec­ca Bee Designs. Real­ly like the asym­met­ri­cal fold­ed brim. Kind of flapper-like.

Have a hap­py rest of the week!


6 thoughts on “lost

  1. Beau­ti­ful! It looks mar­vel­lous on you :)
    I know the feel­ing of lost hats… that how I end­ed up mak­ing mine in the first place!

  2. My biggest fear is los­ing a pre­cious hand­made item. At least we can always make some­thing new to replace it! ;)

    P.S. Thanks for your sweet com­ment on my cro­chet sweater. I just want­ed to let you know that you were actu­al­ly the rea­son why I bought that Vogue Knit­ting Cro­chet mag­a­zine in the first place! I saw a sweater you made and knew I had to get my hands on the issue. Hap­py cro­chet­ing, girl! :)

  3. now you’re moti­vat­ing me to make the pineap­ple sweater! :D can’t wait to start that project. hap­py cro­chet­ing to you too!

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