hagelslag :D

Sprin­kles are one of Mike’s very favourite things.

One day he came across this video about break­fasts from dif­fer­ent parts of the world, and when it got to the part about the Nether­lands, he thought, “I’ve got to get some of that!”

So with a lit­tle research he found out that hagel­slag is sold at Dutch Dreams, our local ice cream shop (and favourite place in the sum­mer :D).

They came in a vari­ety pack with (very cute) small box­es that looked like mini cere­al boxes.


So we got our toasts but­tered and ready. Mike tried the reg­u­lar choco­late one.

milk chocolate

And I tried the fruit vari­ety, vrucht­en­hagel, which I think means “fruit hail”.

fruit hail
It turned out to be a bit sweet­er than I would like, but I do enjoy how, unlike the sprin­kles we get on cup­cakes and such, these melt in the mouth! Com­bined with the but­tery bread it reminds me of the dessert buns (i.e. pineap­ple buns or cus­tard buns) at the Chi­nese bakery.

I think my favourite is the choco­late shav­ings variety.

shaved milk chocolate

Hope your week is filled with small things that make you smile :)