this week’s awesome finds

Nev­er too ear­ly to start knit­ting hats! The seed stitch adds a nice tex­ture to this one. From Lion Brand Yarn (scroll down in post for link to hat pat­tern, free but reg­is­tra­tion required).


Sim­ple yet bold pop­pies to add a styl­ish touch to any jack­et. From Picot Pals.


Oh my good­ness, MUST MAKE! From Make & Do Crew.


Make space for zen. Sim­ple desk zen gar­den from Dwell Beau­ti­ful.


Nev­er heard of show­er melts before, but I think these vapour rub flavour ones would make a good prac­ti­cal gift! Would prob­a­bly be bet­ter used than bath fizzes I think. I for one had­n’t tak­en a bath since I was a kid, always pre­fer show­ers. From The Home­spun Hydrangea.


Macrame can be beau­ti­ful, hip­ster and not hip­pie. Neck­laces from Lia Grif­fith.


Also from Lia Grif­fith, these beau­ti­ful flower rings! I think they would also make gor­geous ear­rings, and no one will be able to tell that they’re made from shrink plastic. 


These fab­ric coil bowls are intrigu­ing, and made from t‑shirts! From We are Scout.


Great alter­na­tive to actu­al birth­day cake, or just for tea par­ty! From Tikki­do.


Looks super fan­cy but the recipe seems sim­ple enough for me to tack­le! And with crois­sants! From Make & Takes.


Hap­py sum­mer craft­ing! :D


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