holiday makes

‘Tis the time of year for the hol­i­day craft­ing post, after all the gifts are gift­ed :D But I always lose track of what I made… here are some highlights!

The plant above is for a dear friend who said she can’t keep plants alive. But wait for it…

It’s a hid­den Odd­ish!! Yes, she is also a big Poke­mon fan :D

Here’s Odd­ish chill­ing on the couch.

I’m real­ly hap­py with how Odd­ish turned out. There are a few good Odd­ish pat­terns out there but I end­ed up mak­ing it up as I cro­cheted because of the size of the plant pot. I also got a pair of red­dish brown safe­ty eyes as part of a free gift one time from a cro­chet mag­a­zine sub­scrip­tion :D They worked per­fect­ly on Oddish.

And then there’s this cozy pair of cro­chet mit­tens, for a friend who recent­ly relo­cat­ed to cold­er cli­mates. But wait…

It has fin­ger open­ings for tex­ting and tak­ing pic­tures! :D I made them from this love­ly pat­tern.

This one took me quite a while…

But well worth the time! Look how hap­py my dad is! :D And it fits per­fect­ly! Always tricky mak­ing gar­ments for my par­ents, nev­er know if it’s going to fit and I can’t get Mike to test try it because he’s much taller… but it worked out this time :D The cable pat­tern is actu­al­ly tak­en from this sweater pat­tern

This is my mom doing a dance with the cro­chet shawl, prob­a­bly to the music on TV (my sis­ter sent me the pho­to :D).

I thought it would be good for when she stud­ies and writes in her office at home, which she spends quite a bit of time doing. It’s mod­i­fied from this gor­geous pat­tern, because I was using a much heav­ier yarn. I skipped over quite a bit of the granny stitch sec­tions. It’s a fun pat­tern to make with var­ie­gat­ed yarn with long colour changes.

This is the warmest neck­warmer I’ve nev­er made, prob­a­bly Lap­land-ready! :D Loom knit­ted (on a 41-peg round loom) a very long tube (about 20″) with two strands of worsted weight yarn held togeth­er, then the ends of tube are sewn togeth­er to make a dou­ble-thick tube! I took a pho­to before wrap­ping it for my mother-in-law :)

And now, things oth­ers made that I can’t make…

Isn’t it mag­nif­i­cent? :D Very grate­ful heart and stomach.

And for a year of more making…

Mike got me a long loom, a stitch counter, and the per­fect yarn-craft­ing snack! :D :D :D

Here’s to a year of new ideas and more crafting!


8 thoughts on “holiday makes

  1. I absolute­ly enjoy see­ing the many projects that you cre­ate, so love­ly, some very quirky: so inspi­ra­tional. Thank you for shar­ing. I wish you an incred­i­bly pro­duc­tive year and much hap­pi­ness. belat­ed MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  2. Je reste sans voix devant tous vos ouvrages, tous plus jolis les uns que les autres. J’aime tout : le petit cac­tus, le très beau châle, les ingénieuses moufles…et tout le reste!!Merci pour ce joli post.

  3. thank you so much Patri­cia! look­ing for­ward to shar­ing more projects in 2018! :D hap­py new year to you too!

  4. thank you so much Clau­dine! hope your new year is filled with joy and cre­ativ­i­ty! thank you so much for your kind words over the past year!

  5. That Odd­ish is adorable! I’m a Poke­mon fan (Lev­el 23!) and I’ve often thought a cro­cheted Pokedex would be just the thing. Hap­py New Year to my favorite blogger.

  6. Thank you so much for your kind words Pam! I unfor­tu­nate­ly am not very knowl­edge­able in Poke­mons (I grew up more with the Sailor Moon crowd…) but Odd­ish is my favourite! And I think many of them are very round and cute and would make very nice cro­chet plush! :D

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