The lake in polaroids

Mike told me about this polaroid mak­er this morn­ing — it’s the most awe­some thing ever! I hap­pened to be going to the water­front this after­noon, so I took a bunch of pic­tures to test it out :D so much fun! I love polaroids. The real ones are obvi­ous­ly bet­ter, but a real polaroid cam­era is too expen­sive to have. So I’m quite hap­py to set­tle for the fake one :) It even has sound effects and fin­ger­prints. A bit cheesy in some ways per­haps, not a big fan of fin­ger­prints on every pic­ture myself, but I love the way the pho­tographs turn out — the sat­u­rat­ed colours and the soft­ness and the vignetting — so very cool! And the polaroid mak­er free to down­load! :D

The pic­ture of daisies was­n’t tak­en at the lake. I took it over the Cana­da Day week­end. I just thought the daisies would make a good first test-run! And so here are the pic­tures at the lake! :D

Walk­ing on the boardwalk!

Geese! They were ini­tial­ly swim­ming in a V for­ma­tion until they saw me approach­ing. Then they sped up to swim toward me. I think they thought I had food. And then they real­ized that I did­n’t. So they swam away.

Duck and duckling!

A pret­ty pur­ple plant.

A wind giant!

Under­wa­ter vegetation!

Bright sun­ny day!

Now I just have to resist the urge to turn all my oth­er pic­tures into polaroids…

Have a love­ly Thursday!

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