The making of a candy corn


The tem­per­a­ture out­side is get­ting cold­er and the leaves are swirling in the wind… per­fect time to make a can­dy corn to cel­e­brate the glo­ri­ous fall weath­er! (Fall is my favourite sea­son, fol­lowed by spring.)

A quick search on Rav­el­ry yield­ed numer­ous cro­chet pat­terns for can­dy corn, but I could­n’t find a tiny one. So I thought I’d make one up and add my pat­tern to the can­dy bowl too! :D

Per­haps a pic­ture with my thumb and fin­ger would give you an idea about the size of this can­dy corn…

Any­hoo, here’s what I did…

I used:
a bit of worsted weight yel­low, white, and orange yarn
3.5mm hook
a bit of brown embroi­dery thread for mouth
two black 4mm beads for eyes
sewing needle

First, with yel­low yarn…

Row 1: ch 4, sc in 2nd ch from hook, [sc in next ch], 3 sc in next ch, sc in the oppo­site side of pre­vi­ous stitch in square brack­et (the piece will be turned upside down), 1 sc in the same ch as the first sc, sl st in first sc. (8 st around, begin­ning ch 1 counts as a stitch)

Row 2: ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in beg ch 1. (8 st around)

Row 3: ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in beg ch 1. (8 st around)

Then, change to orange yarn…

Row 4: ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in beg ch 1. (8 st around)

Row 5: ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in beg ch 1. (8 st around)

Row 6: ch 1, sc tog over next 2 st, 1 sc in each of next 2 st, sc tog over next 2 st, sc in next sc, sl st in begin­ning ch 1.

Final­ly, change to white yarn…

Row 7: ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in beg ch 1. (6 st around)

Row 8: ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in beg ch 1. (6 st around) Leav­ing a 6″ tail, fas­ten off.

Stuff can­dy corn. Weav­ing tail through stitch­es at open­ing, pull tight and tie off. Weave in ends.

When I sewed on the eyes and embroi­dered the mouth, I left the knots and tail ends at the back, because I was going to attach a pin onto the back and it would hide all the tail ends.


Ready to take over the world! One can­dy corn at a time! Yarrrrrn.

Um. Any­way. Please let me know if you do try mak­ing this, and feel free to drop me a note if you see any mis­take or need clarification!

Have a sweet week­end every­one! :D

9 thoughts on “The making of a candy corn

  1. Hi there love your pat­tern, i have a tiny request, can you make a cock­tail amigu­ru­mi pat­tern please!!!!

  2. Tee­ny tiny Hal­loween cro­chet… I love it! Hope you won’t mind me link­ing up tomor­row at Tan­gled Hap­py. Wish­ing you a hap­py Tuesday!

  3. I will total­ly make this! This is like the eas­i­est can­dy corn pat­tern there is!!!! Thank you SO much for shar­ing this! I am think­ing about mak­ing a bunch of lit­tle cro­cheted things, and going to make up a game with them included!

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