
Also known as hazel­nut. But I pre­fer to call it fil­bert. It’s one of my favourite words. And if I have a cat I would name him/her Filbert.

Any­way, we had lots of fil­berts around at Christ­mas time…


And I was giv­en this real­ly nice felt­ing wool as a Christ­mas gift, in beau­ti­ful autumn tones, from this store called Heav­en is Hand­made (it’s true!). It’s so very soft… I also received anoth­er bun­dle of wool in blue/white tones. I have a plan for it; I’ll show you later :)

Work­ing with felt­ing wool is a lux­u­ry for me because wool tends to be more expen­sive, and I try to keep a tight bud­get for my craft­ing habits, so I’m rather thank­ful for the gift!


So while we wait­ed for the count­down on new year’s eve I thought I would try nee­dle-felt­ing with this wool, and I thought the brown tones would make a good fil­bert. And so Fil­bert mate­ri­al­ized in the midst of fire­works and glass­es of gin­ger ale. Today he’s hav­ing some down time on the win­dowsill, enjoy­ing a bit of sun. He’s about the same size as a typ­i­cal filbert.


I think I’m going to try mak­ing some ani­mals next. More specif­i­cal­ly, a cat. A cat named Filbert.

I once took out this book from the library and it has such love­ly pho­tog­ra­phy and excel­lent instruc­tions for mak­ing real­is­tic-look­ing felt­ed pets. So a trip to the library is in order!


Hap­py Tues­day! :D

2 thoughts on “filbert!

  1. I think we’re fil­bert twins. :) Fil­bert is my pre­ferred word for hazel­nut because it is also one of my very most favorite words! Oh, and your lit­tle felt­ed fil­bert is adorable. Hap­py New Year!

  2. thank you! so great to know some­one likes the word “fil­bert” as much as i do! :D i love felt­ing, and i’m hop­ing to do more of it with the gift felt­ing wool. hap­py new year to you too! :D

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