all my love

“The sto­ry need­ed to be told well.” — Chip East
(Source: Pho­to­jo­jo, Life)


I want­ed to share some­thing I read in church today, and I hope it brings you encour­age­ment as it did for me.


My friends, love is bet­ter than anger. Hope is bet­ter than fear. Opti­mism is bet­ter than despair. So let us be lov­ing, hope­ful and opti­mistic. And we’ll change the world.
Jack Lay­ton (1950–2011)


It always pro­tects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love nev­er fails.
– 1 Corinthi­ans 13: 7–8 


All my love,


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