sky scarf

Now I can post this, because my sis­ter has received it :D

Sky neck warmer :D


Based on Leaf­cut­ter Design’s sky scarf knit­ting project, I cro­cheted two rows every day based on the colour of the sky that day from end of August to mid Octo­ber. I thought this would make a great Christ­mas present for my sis­ter because she loves cloud-watch­ing. I know that there isn’t enough time to make a long enough stretch of fab­ric for a scarf, so I decid­ed to make a neck warmer instead. I start­ed on the day my sis­ter left for Hong Kong to attend grad­u­ate school. It was a grey, rainy day :(

But it seems she’s real­ly adjust­ed to liv­ing in Hong Kong, made friends, done well in her first semes­ter and enjoyed explor­ing dif­fer­ent parts of the city. So I’m hap­py about that :D

I used six dif­fer­ent shades of blue, grey, and white, cro­chet­ing each row with two strands of yarn held togeth­er. (The pic­ture below was tak­en at the begin­ning rows before I incor­po­rat­ed the fluffy-cloud white and fall-blue-sky)


And if you’re inter­est­ed, I cro­cheted every row with slip stitch in back loop only, with a 6mm hook. In hind­sight I’d prob­a­bly use a larg­er hook because the neck warmer turned out a but stiff. I car­ried all the strands of yarn up in the begin­ning of each row, you can tell by look­ing at the right side of the scarf below. And I made a but­ton hole when the neck warmer was near­ly long enough.


It’s a real­ly enjoy­able project in itself. Makes me take time to look at the sky and cro­chet a bit every day despite hav­ing lots of school work and oth­er work. I might start anoth­er one soon.

Hap­py Mon­day, everyone!


8 thoughts on “sky scarf

  1. thank you for shar­ing the pho­to! love the lit­tle smiles on the dumplings, they’re real­ly cute! and the soy sauce turned out great! :D

  2. I’ve been record­ing the sky in the Pacif­ic North­west since the begin­ning of fall, ha! Have yet to start the scarf but have the mate­ri­als. I went with the yarn rec­om­mend­ed (was able to buy it by the weight off of cones) and if things ever slow down I’ll start it. We had a week of snow recent­ly and will use sil­ver yarn; will be a nice break amidst all the dark and light grey!

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