sweet love

So! I actu­al­ly made the mush­room love pin from my last post! here’s a close-up pic­ture of it…


Real­ly enjoyed a morn­ing of hand-sewing. There’s some­thing very calm­ing about that. Haven’t done it for a while and think­ing it would be great to find more projects to sew.

I wore it out to Indi­an food with Mike for Valen­tines day :D 

We were both unfa­mil­iar with Indi­an food, so we just tried to order things that sound­ed inter­est­ing, like this fried cheese. I believe it’s called paneer.


And of course, but­ter chick­en! :D


Awe­some date and deli­cious food makes me a hap­py valen­tine :D


Have a sweet Fri­day, everyone!



2 thoughts on “sweet love

  1. Oh gosh, that pin is adorable! I may have to try mak­ing one.

    And yum, Valen­tine’s Indi­an food. I’ve nev­er tried paneer, but it’s always sound­ed interesting—I’ve seen a lot of veg­an recipes for mak­ing a ver­sion with tofu instead that I’ve want­ed to try.

  2. i can see tofu work­ing out real­ly well in paneer, because the cheese actu­al­ly does­n’t have much flavour to it, it’s the fry­ing and the red and green sauces that bring out its deli­cious­ness :D

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