this week’s awesome finds

I meant to write this post ear­li­er, but have been busy writ­ing the one final paper for the school year — and it’s done! Hur­ray! But before I knew it, there are only 30 min­utes till East­er Fri­day! A lit­tle late for East­er crafts, I sup­pose. But who says marsh­mal­low peeps and sheep can only be around dur­ing Easter?


Cable sheep! I think I can make this one after a whole lot of prac­tic­ing on this shrug :D From Lion Brand Yarn (free, but sign-in required).


How CUTE!! A felt marsh­mal­low peep! From Michael Ann Made.


I was nev­er suc­cess­ful in blow­ing out an egg. Rocks are nice hardy alter­na­tives! :D From Can­dice Ash­ment Art.


A very nice­ly designed origa­mi bun­ny. Link to the dia­gram on How About Orange. 


And now, some all-year crafts! An amigu­ru­mi cro­chet hook! How cool is that? Pat­tern on Nerdig­u­ru­mi.


I’m only able to grab a very small image, but you can see how cute this is :D Pat­tern (and larg­er images) for for­tune cook­ie baby booties on Craft­sy. The dol­lar stores sell those Chi­nese take­out box­es, don’t they?


Bril­liant way to repur­pose an old chop­ping board. From Fam­i­ly Chic.


This would make an awe­some shirt pat­tern! Must get myself some wood­en clothes­pins… From Easy Peasy Pie.


Hap­py East­er, everyone!