cherry blossoms update! :D


The first cher­ry blos­som sight­ing of the year! The cher­ry trees out­side the build­ing where I have all my class­es start­ed to bloom ear­li­er this week :D


Sad­ly, we’re mov­ing out of this build­ing in a cou­ple of weeks. So I took some pic­tures of it. This one was my favourite. I love the bird stick­er and the trees reflect­ed on the glass, and the rusty door (that actu­al­ly isn’t func­tion­al). The pot­ted plant you see in this pic­ture was the one I sat next to in the post about kind­ness. Maybe I’ll try to take bet­ter pic­tures of it tomor­row so I can prop­er­ly intro­duce it to you…


I’ve come to see cher­ry blos­som sea­son as the most won­der­ful time of the year — I think I get more excit­ed about it than Christ­mas. There isn’t the stress about gifts and mak­ing food and gath­er­ings and what­not (which often take away from the true mean­ing of Christ­mas), and it’s a time of grass sprout­ing and longer day­light and warmer weath­er :D

Will keep post­ing cher­ry blos­som sight­ings in the next cou­ple of weeks! :D

Have a great week, everyone!