
Been work­ing on a cou­ple of owl projects lately. I can show them to you now that they’ve safe­ly arrived at their new homes :D

Knit­ted this cup sleeve for a friend who loves owls and caramel mac­chi­a­to. From a pat­tern I found on Rav­el­ry (there are sev­er­al if you search “owl cup sleeve”, and I can’t remem­ber which one I used…).


It’s my first time knit­ting in the round since I was a teenag­er! Def­i­nite­ly don’t remem­ber how to do it any­more, good thing a knit­ter friend helped me start the first few rows (I got so con­fused :S). I thought the owls looked real­ly smart with their orange eyes. It also works as a wrist warmer :D


Then I cro­cheted these owls for anoth­er friend while watch­ing The Owls of Ga’hoole :D

The pink one’s a pin, the yel­low one’s a mag­net, and the white one’s an orna­ment — I took the pic­ture before stitch­ing the rib­bon to the top of his head.

They were inspired by this cro­chet owl pat­tern.

Have a great start to the week, every­one! :D



4 thoughts on “owls!

  1. Yes, the owl trio are very hap­py in their new home. I took them with me when I vis­it­ed a friend in Wenatchee, WA. They enjoyed the trip :-). 

    The owl cup sleeve could not be cuter. Amaz­ing what a cou­ple of well-placed but­tons can do!

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