happy july!

Spent a bit of time by the lake over Cana­da Day week­end :D


Me tak­ing pho­to of same seagull.

Greet­ings from beau­ti­ful For­est, Ontario :D

Love­ly flow­ers by the side­walk, on our way to the theatre.

The Kine­to the­atre in Forest.

I’m quad-spec­ta­cled for the movie.

Vis­it­ing grand­ma. She has sweet peas grow­ing in her backyard.

More beach-strolling…

… and stum­bled upon a ginor­mous mount of zebra mus­sel shells!

So many shells…


Hope your week­end was love­ly :D Wish­ing every­one a won­der­ful week ahead!




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